Modern slavery Magdalene Sisters Gulag

Modern slavery Magdalene Sisters Gulag
The Irish government has admitted that, for more than seven decades, Magdalene laundries operated by religious congregations, and kept generations of women and girls (as young as 12) in enslavement. Magdalene Laundries in Ireland contained nurses under the auspices of the Catholic Church. Getting here from families or orphanages, young girls found themselves in a close imprisonment. Hard work in the laundry they had to atone for their “sins”. They were raped and their children were taken away. The sentence was indefinite. Thousands of women have lived and died here. The Magdalene Gulag operated from 1922 until as late as 1996.

Thus, sin used to be anything: motherhood outside of marriage or too outspoken beauty or ugliness, stupidity, or mind, or misfortune to become a victim of violence, and negligence had to tell about it. For their sins they were forced to work 364 days a year, half-starved, subjected to corporal punishment and humiliation.

Abandoned by society and cast out by their families for crimes they did not commit, these women found themselves stripped of their liberty and dignity.

Within the church-run Magdalene Laundries, these women were forced into unbearable institutional servitude in order to cleanse themselves of the “sins” of which they had been accused. As much as they portray themselves as a “loving church” they are a huge bunch of abusers, power and control freaks, enslaves of puritans and “righteous” fanatics that continue with archaic/ancient retarded “beliefs” that instill to their children so the religion’s business continues forever and ever, making feeble minds fall into fear, guilt and shame, ashamed of being humans, so they can be easily control and manipulate. Most criticize Taliban but, blind fanatic Christians are indeed cruel Taliban also.

The Magdalene Sisters is a 2002 film, written and directed by Peter Mullan. The film traces the history of development or degradation of personalities of the girls under the vigilant control of women who gave voluntary celibacy, servants of God, the bride of Christ.

At one point, the girls won their small victory – the nuns were forced to abolish corporal punishment, but that only means that now they will be kept in slave-like conditions a little better. One of them gets out the most banal way, the other ends up in a mental institution, and the latter two, in the end, go to the riot, escape from the shelter.
Modern slavery Magdalene Sisters Gulag
