Scary Illustrations by Boris Zabirokhin

Scary Illustrations by Boris Zabirokhin

Fair-bird. Scary Illustrations by Boris Zabirokhin
Fire-bird from the book ‘Russian folk tales’. Scary Illustrations by Boris Zabirokhin

Scary Illustrations by Boris Zabirokhin

A series of scary black and white illustrations decorates the book “Russian folk tales” by Afanasiev, published by the publishing house “Vita Nova” in 2008. The author shares his feelings about working on the book: “the heroes of fairy tales will come to you, will show and you will see it is wrong … It is a process associated with alchemy, and witchcraft”. Russian artist Boris Zabirokhin graduated from St. Petersburg Art College, and since 1968 has started his exhibition activity. Since 1975, Boris Zabirokhin has illustrated more than 30 books. He is a member of the International exhibitions in Belgium, Holland, France, UK, USA, and Japan. His artworks are in public collections of the St. Petersburg State Russian Museum, Moscow State Tretyakov Gallery, The Gallery of Prague, and Victoria and Albert Museum of London.

Illustrations to the book 'Russian folk tales' by Boris Zabirokhin
Black and white illustration to the book ‘Russian folk tales’. Artist Boris Zabirokhin

Scary Illustrations by Boris Zabirokhin

Scary Illustrations by Boris Zabirokhin
Characters of the book ‘Russian folk tales’ – a witch and a black cat kidnapping a boy
Scary Illustrations by Boris Zabirokhin
Three-headed dragon, called Zmei Gorynych and Ivan fighting against it. Illustrations by Boris Zabirokhin
Scary Illustrations by Boris Zabirokhin
The devil carrying a man. Black and white Illustrations to the book ‘Russian folk tales’
Scary Illustrations by Boris Zabirokhin
Evil forces visit the sleeping man, Scary illustration to the book ‘Russian folk tales’
Scary Illustrations by Boris Zabirokhin
Folk tale creature in black and white illustration to the book ‘Russian folk tales’
Scary Illustrations by Boris Zabirokhin
A goat that kidnapped a boy who didn’t want to sleep, Illustration to the book ‘Russian folk tales’
Scary Illustrations by Boris Zabirokhin
Baba Yaga, evil character. Illustration to the book ‘Russian folk tales’
Scary Illustrations by Boris Zabirokhin
Black cat and evil creature
Scary Illustrations by Boris Zabirokhin
A wolf and a man. ‘Russian folk tales’, Scary Illustrations by Boris Zabirokhin
Scary Illustrations by Boris Zabirokhin
Russian Rusalka (mermaid)
Scary Illustrations by Boris Zabirokhin
Violence. Black and white illustration to the book ‘Russian folk tales’

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