1570 Pearly Nautilus with rubies, and turquoise, mounted with gilt silver. Pitti palace, Florence. Natural miracle Nautilus Jewellery Masterpieces
Natural miracle Nautilus Jewellery Masterpieces
In the warm waters of the Indian and Pacific Oceans there are representatives of a small ancient group of cephalopods. It’s a small octopus nautilus, which in Russian is called “pearl boats”. Over millions of years, these creatures have not changed. Engraved shell placed in delicate frame, transforming them into unusual jewelry, more often – cups. The works of this kind were very popular among the Nuremberg masters of XVII-XVIII centuries. The decor of the nautilus-cups commonly used images of mythological characters, in one way or another connected with the sea. Nacre of Nautilus especially valued in the Middle Ages, and in the entire West.
Cup of Nautilus, Netherlands, circa 1577. Collection of the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum. Madrid. Natural miracle Nautilus Jewellery Masterpieces
Natural miracle – Nautilus Jewellery Masterpieces
Masterpiece of jewelry art (1600-1630) National museum in Stockholm, SwedenHolland, Rotterdam, 1592. Nautilus, silver, emeralds, almandine, pearls, colored glassRoyal Collection, purchased by George IV. British museum. NautilusRenaissance masterpiece. Traditionally, the motif of sculptural composition, were legends and Biblical storiesSail boat NautilusNatural miracle Nautilus Jewellery MasterpiecesBeautiful work of art by Dr. Richard Ragle, physician by profession and jeweler by passion. 2006Still life with nautilus. Painting by Miriam EscofetAtlas, a legendary titan of Greco-Roman mythology. HollandGiant fish stand for Nautilus cupMiriam Escofet. Nautilus still lifeSwan NautilusGerman silver-mounted nautilus shell cup, 19th centuryAntique Nautilus cupRiding dolphins Nautilus rider. Imitation of pearl shell. Contemporary artUnknown master. Nautilus Cup, ca. 1590. gildingCrusty nautilus, native to the waters around New Guinea, in particular, New Britain, Milne Bay, and the Solomon IslandsA pair of beautiful Nautilus cupsSilver Museum in FlorenceBeautiful work of art by Dr. Richard RagleA late 16th – early 17th century Dutch silver-gilt mounted turban shell nautilus cupSnail with Nautilus Shell. Artist Jeremias Ritter (Master 1605–06, died 1646) German, NurembergDragon VesselGerrit Willemsz. Heda – Still Life with a Nautilus Cup1625 – 1650 Nautilus CupGilded gold nautilus. Applied Arts Museum in BudapestOne of two in the Royal Collection, purchased by George IV, 1826Netherlandish goldsmith. Nautilus cup, 1592. Silver gilt, nautilus shell, glass and enamel, height 27 cm, diameter 10 cm. GemeenteFlemish, Nautilus Ewer, 1590s. Pearls, rubies, and turquoise, mounted with gilt silver, height 30 cm. Galleria Palatina, Florence