Painting light Lak Buni

Painting light Lak Buni

Painting light Lak Buni
Blooming tree in divine Light. Painting light Lak Buni

Painting light Lak Buni
Reviews of the exhibitions of the artist, known under the pseudonym Lak Buni are surprisingly similar to each other. In particular, all certainly use the words “heat”, “kindness”, “harmony” and, of course, the “light”. Viewers often call Lak Buni “the artist of light”, thus indicating the main theme, and the basic idea of his work. Sometimes the light in his paintings concentrated in dazzling sheaf, becomes spatial. The color and light assembling image penetrates the the heart of a viewer. According to Lak Buni, his luminous paintings represent the concept of the soul, expanded consciousness and spiritual life.

Divine Light in painting by Lak Buni
Man’s task – to find a countless universes merge with Absolute …

All of us – just an instrument in God’s hands. All – done by God, and each person is part of the divine mind. These ideas Lak Boonie presents in his art “Light from the depths of the universe.”

Unusual nickname Lak comes from the name of the peoples of Dagestan, and Buni – from his own family name – Bunyamin Kallaev. Born April 18, 1959 in Dagestan, Bunyamin Magomedovich Kallaev graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture named after Repin. His thesis work – a large painting “Tree of Life”, performed in absolutely classic style. Buni exhibited his works in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Baku, Makhachkala, Frankfurt, Oldenburg, Milan, Ferrera, and Bergamo.

The way of man to himself. No matter through what kind of belief system he comes to the goal, considers Lak Buni. The main thing – to find unity, overcoming duality within oneself, and this is possible only through union with God. “The mirror reflects everything that gets in his “field of view”, equally impassive. Soul – also mirror and it should just reflect all exactly the same, without prejudice. If it starts to react, there is karma.

Painting light Lak Buni

Painting light Lak Buni
Sea light
Painting light Lak Buni
Painting light Lak Buni
Painting light Lak Buni
Soul as a mirror
Painting light Lak Buni
In the mountains
Painting light Lak Buni
Light from the depths of the universe
Painting light Lak Buni
Glowing Light
Painting light Lak Buni
Blue light
Painting light Lak Buni
Painting light Lak Buni
Painting light Lak Buni
Green Light
Painting light Lak Buni
Eternal Light
Painting light Lak Buni
Yellow light
Painting light Lak Buni
Morning Light
Painting light Lak Buni
Divine Light in painting by Lak Buni
Painting light Lak Buni
Leonid Maslov and Lak Buni (left)
Painting light Lak Buni
Lak Buni