Paper Animals with criminal past by Patty Grazini

Paper Animals with criminal past by Patty Grazini

Delia A. Ruggles (1888) Arrested for arson for burning her apartment to collect insurance money. Paper Animals with criminal past by Patty Grazini
Delia A. Ruggles (1888) Arrested for arson for burning her apartment to collect insurance money. Paper Animals with criminal past by Patty Grazini, American artist

Paper Animals with criminal past by Patty Grazini
Delia A Ruggles (1840 – 1850), arrested for arson for burning her apartment to collect insurance money. In an attempt to recapture passed moments in history, Seattle based artist Patty Grazini tells a wonderful story of long forgotten events through these sculptural pieces made from paper. Paper collected from bookshops or abandoned, that holds the fingerprints of people and places over time, in the hands of the talented artist reproduce the history, even if it is New York Criminals 1880-1915.

Paper Animals with criminal past
Mathila Hart (1888) Champion heart breaker and polygamist who married 11 times. Paper sculpture by American artist Patty Grazini

Mathila Hart (1888) Champion heart breaker and polygamist who married 11 times. She travels from town to town, meets a single man, and marries. Soon after, she tells her new husband that her mother was sick and needs $300. dollars to pay for expenses. She boards a train and moves to another town.

Paper Animals with criminal past by Patty Grazini

Paper Animals with criminal past by Patty Grazini
Emma Monard (1909) Long Island cook apprehended after assaulting and threatening her employer. He had criticized her cooking
Paper sculpture by American artist Patty Grazini
Ada Turise (1884) 16 years of age. Arrested for opium smoking. Paper sculpture by American artist Patty Grazini
Paper sculpture by American artist Patty Grazini
Crane. Paper sculpture by American artist Patty Grazini
Paper sculpture by American artist Patty Grazini
Horse. Paper sculpture by American artist Patty Grazini
Paper sculpture by American artist Patty Grazini
Lena Scuccimaro (1905) Arrested for baby trafficking. Paper sculpture by American artist Patty Grazini
Paper sculpture by American artist Patty Grazini
Mary Largo (1902) Queen of the beggars society. Arrested for graft. Paper sculpture by American artist Patty Grazini
Paper sculpture by American artist Patty Grazini
Olive Brown (1890) Spiritualist who claims she speak to Jesus. Paper sculpture by American artist Patty Grazini
John Herbert (1915) Arrested for peddling without a license; dyed sparrows yellow, and sold them as canaries
John Herbert (1915) Arrested for peddling without a license; dyed sparrows yellow, and sold them as canaries

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