Matchstick architecture by Patrick Acton

Matchstick architecture by Patrick Acton
Inspired by the Notre Dame de Paris, American artist and sculptor Patrick Acton has created a small copy of the famous building. Noteworthy, for creating the copy he used only matches and glue. According to the enthusiast sculptor, for the copy of Notre Dame de Paris he used 298 thousand matches! In addition, 55 liters of glue for wood and two thousand toothpicks. Also, the whole process took him two thousand hours.
However, this is not the first work of Acton. A resident of Iowa has been producing copies of buildings from matches for 35 years. “Notre Dame – one of my most detailed models, as the cathedral is quite complex,” – said Patrick Acton. “People react differently to my model. Some people like one thing, other models leave them indifferent”. Interestingly, Patrick has his own museum. Opened in 2003 in Gledbruk, Iowa, the museum keeps notable creations of the master. In particular, the US Capitol building, the Spaceship Challenger and Harry Potter’s Hogwarts school. Besides, New World Trade Center is coming soon, in 2013.

Matchstick architecture by Patrick Acton
