Photographer TJ Scott
Beauty Nature

Photographer TJ Scott

Photographer TJ Scott by T.J. Scott
Fishers at night. Cinematic effect in works by Canadian Photographer TJ Scott

Photographer TJ Scott
Originally, Scott was a Canadian actor, however, later he moved to Los Angeles to pursue a career behind the camera. Now T.J. Scott is a film and television screenwriter and director with 15 years of experience as a Hollywood Director/Writer/Producer of Films and TV Series. In his free time engaged in photography. Lives and works in Los Angeles. Here is the set of his beautiful cinematic photographs. T.J. has always been intrigued by and entrenched in the world of fine arts, including painting and photography.

Cinematic photography by T.J. Scott
Walking in desert. Cinematic photography by T.J. Scott

“I got my first camera when I was about 5 – a Kodak Brownie. It had a big influence on me, and from that point forward I think I have always seen the world in ‘frames’. As I walk though life it doesn’t matter if I have a camera in my hands or not – I’m snapping images in my head the way I would like to photograph them – editing the frame and re-arranging it to look more Cinematic”.

“Many of my cinematic street images are in Silhouette and the subjects don’t even know that I am photographing them… But when I’m in the studio I consider each shoot to be a ‘collaboration’ between the Subject and me. My goal is to make them comfortable enough to share a side of them not always seen – to make them feel safe enough to take some chances – to trust me enough to create a ‘moment of intrigue’.

Photographer TJ Scott

Photographer TJ Scott
Swinging. Cinematic photography by T.J. Scott
Photographer TJ Scott
Low sky. Cinematic photography by T.J. Scott
Photographer TJ Scott
Orange sky. Cinematic photography by T.J. Scott
Photographer TJ Scott
Dog looking at night city. Cinematic photography by T.J. Scott
Photographer TJ Scott
Colorful Cinematic photography by T.J. Scott
Photographer TJ Scott
Children on the bridge. Cinematic photography by T.J. Scott
Photographer TJ Scott
Purple night. Cinematic photography by T.J. Scott
Photographer TJ Scott
Night. Cinematic photography by T.J. Scott
Photographer TJ Scott
Ways. Cinematic photography by T.J. Scott
Photographer TJ Scott
Dialogue. Cinematic photography by T.J. Scott
Photographer TJ Scott
On the road. Cinematic photography by T.J. Scott
Photographer TJ Scott
To the mountains. Cinematic photography by T.J. Scott
Photographer TJ Scott
Silhouette. Cinematic photography by T.J. Scott
Photographer TJ Scott
Impressive Cinematic photography by T.J. Scott
Photographer TJ Scott
Plane. Cinematic photography by T.J. Scott
Photographer TJ Scott
A woman in a hat. Cinematic photography by T.J. Scott
Photographer TJ Scott
Beautiful Cinematic photography by T.J. Scott
Photographer TJ Scott
Serenade. Cinematic photography by T.J. Scott
Photographer TJ Scott
Romantic Cinematic photography by T.J. Scott
Photographer TJ Scott
Mother and child. Cinematic photography by T.J. Scott
Photographer TJ Scott
Waiting. Cinematic photography by T.J. Scott

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