Exquisite Rene Lalique jewelry

Exquisite Rene Lalique jewelry
French glass designer, Art Nouveau jewellery designer Rene Lalique created truly unique jewelry. And his works were popular among royalty and celebrities. In particular, Russian Empress Alexandra Feodorovna and legendary Sarah Bernhardt, as well as fashionable Parisians and residents of other world capitals. Undoubtedly, Rene Jules Lalique was one of the leaders of the Art Nouveau style. Besides, the name of Rene Lalique in the history of jewelry is in line with the names of such world-renowned artists, as Carl Faberge, Frederic Boucheron, Louis-Francois Cartier, and Louis C. Tiffany. Meanwhile, he always followed the rule of three French F «femme, faune, flore» (woman, fauna, flora), which remains the motto of the house.

Rene Jules Lalique – born on 6 April 1860, Ay, Marne, died 5 May 1945, Paris. He started a glassware firm, named after himself, which still remains successful. First of all the hallmark of Lalique pieces – unusual colored glass and glass coated with a patina (enamel color). However, the recipe of the famous Lalique opalescent glass is still the “trade secret.” Meanwhile, in his later years, Rene Lalique was busy with “large forms” – designing hotels, churches, and restaurants. Besides, the firm of the jewelry designer produced light panels, chandeliers, door panels, pillars, serving items, tableware, and other interior decorations, alongside with fountains and many other things (1930th-40th).
After the death of Rene Lalique, his son Marc Lalique headed the firm, and then granddaughter, Marie-Claude.
Exquisite Rene Lalique jewelry

website lalique.com