Russia sexiest politician Maria Kozhevnikova

Russia sexiest politician Maria Kozhevnikova
The list of new United Russia lawmakers includes Maria Kozhevnikova, who stars in the “Univer” television series on TNT channel. Russian Playboy’s front-page girl in 2009, has become favorite of millions, also voted the country’s sexiest woman by Maxim magazine this fall. However, being elected into parliament, she changed her lifestyle completely. Today, she is a perfect wife and mother for three sons.
Siberian hottie Maria Kozhevnikova, a member of Putin’s United Russia party, defended her boss days after winning a seat in Russian parliament to represent Tomsk. “I’ve seen Putin close up several times and I want to say that this man has very strong vibes,” she said.
Meanwhile, in June 2013 became known that Russian actress and politician Maria Kozhevnikova and Gerard Depardieu would collaborate in a movie for the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi.
In September 2013, Maria and her lover Evgeny married in St. Nicholas Cathedral in Nice. January 19, 2014 they had a son Ivan.
Russia sexiest politician Maria Kozhevnikova