Snow is falling

Snow is falling

Snow is falling
“There is something hot in snow: Its pure and clean look!” ― Mehmet Murat ildan. Snow is falling

Snow is falling
“I love snow for the same reason I love Christmas: It brings people together while time stands still. Cozy couples lazily meandered the streets and children trudged sleds and chased snowballs. No one seemed to be in a rush to experience anything other than the glory of the day, with each other, whenever and however it happened.” ― Rachel Cohn, Dash & Lily’s Book of Dares.

Falling snow

“It snowed all week. Wheels and footsteps moved soundlessly on the street, as if the business of living continued secretly behind a pale but impenetrable curtain. In the falling quiet there was no sky or earth, only snow lifting in the wind, frosting the window glass, chilling the rooms, deadening and hushing the city. At all hours it was necessary to keep a lamp lighted, and Mrs. Miller lost track of the days: Friday was no different from Saturday and on Sunday she went to the grocery: closed, of course.” Truman Capote, American Fantastic Tales: Terror and the Uncanny from the 1940’s Until Now.

“I miss the snow. I miss looking at it, walking in it, tasting it. I used to love those days when it was so cold everyone else would be tucked away inside trying to stay warm. It would be completely silent — no cars, no birds singing, no doors slamming. Just silence and snow. I would be the only one out walking, so I could look across the fields and see miles of snow without a single footprint in it. God, I miss snow. The stars, the moon, the wind, and blankets of pure, pristine snow.” ― Damien Echols, Life After Death

Snow is falling

“The snow doesn't give a soft white damn whom it touches.” E.E. Cummings
“The snow doesn’t give a soft white damn whom it touches.” E.E. Cummings
Gif animation with Snow effect
Gif animation with Snow effect
“Women differ like snowflakes.” ― Lara Biyuts
“Women differ like snowflakes.” ― Lara Biyuts
“Snow falling soundlessly in the middle of the night will always fill my heart with sweet clarity”. Novala Takemoto, Missin’ (Novel)
“Snow falling soundlessly in the middle of the night will always fill my heart with sweet clarity”. Novala Takemoto, Missin’ (Novel)
Let it snow, let it snow...
Let it snow, let it snow…
Beautiful winter. Snow is falling
Beautiful winter. Snow is falling

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