Beautiful straw applications by Irina Parosova

Straw applications by Irina Parosova
First of all, straw is natural material, used since ancient times, and not only for economic purposes, but also in the decorative work. From straw weave kitchen utensils, furniture, and accessories. Besides, craftsmen create beautiful decorative panels and pictures and embroider with straw ribbon. In particular, this forest bird Owl is a beautiful straw creation by Russian artist Irina Parosova. And while working on it, she used the technique of three-layered application, the method of “brushed” previously burnt straw and colored straw. According to the artist herself, she was born in Central Asia, in Tashkent. However, after the collapse of the Soviet Union her family moved to Syzran, Russia. She has created a gallery of beautiful panels and pictures, and participates in exhibitions of artworks not only in her hometown, but also in Moscow. In addition, she exhibited them in Paris.

Straw applications by Irina Parosova