Adoration of the Shepherds. This piece is a pyrographed reproduction of Antonio da Correggio’s oil on canvas ‘Adoration of the Shepherds’, 1530. Stunning Pyrographs by Dino Muradian
Stunning Pyrographs by Dino Muradian
Dumitru Muradian was born in Romania, in 1953. Dino was always adventurous. In August 1983, he left Romania for Austria. Dino’s target was not but Western Europe, but the United States, where he lives now. Today his portfolio is impressive. Among his creations artwork for Romanian Orthodox Church in San Francisco, impressive reproduction of the Last Supper by Leonardo Da Vinci. Dino proves that art has no limits, working for famous manufacturers of musical instruments such as Gibson or ESP, but also for musicians who wanted their tools to be special – BB King and James Hetfield of Metallica. Thus, the there are electric guitars, acoustic, and … violins. His artwork is beautiful. Blessed with some wonderful talent artist has a great eye for detail and the shading. Dino’s life may be subject to a best-seller.
3 hot dogs…please by Muradino. Pyrography on poplar panel
Stunning Pyrographs by Dino Muradian
Aranca’92, Handmade Pyrograph by MuradinoBaptism of Christ. Handmade Pyrograph by MuradinoBIANCA – study. Handmade Pyrograph by MuradinoBlack and Sweet. Handmade pyrograph burned into birch panelDreaming of Jimi. Handmade Pyrograph by MuradinoGliga Pyrographed Violin. Handmade Pyrograph by MuradinoHandmade pyrograph burned into birch panel. 2012Liviu’s Lost Six. Handmade Pyrograph by MuradinoNapoleon Crossing the Alps. Handmade Pyrograph by MuradinoNorma Jeane. Handmade Pyrograph by Muradino‘Play Me’ by Muradino. Handmade Pyrograph, burned into sycamore maple panelViolin by MuradinoSlow dancing. Handmade Pyrograph by MuradinoStill life. Handmade Pyrograph burned into a birch plywood. 2010They cut down trees don’t they. Handmade Pyrograph by MuradinoThis is a handmade pyrograph, burned into birch panel, in 2000, reproduction of Pietro da Cortona’s mural ‘The Pieta’ 1635.Two Stars – Custom banjo. Handmade Pyrograph by MuradinoWild Trio. Handmade Pyrograph by Muradino