Sunny art by Hallah and Heba Fattah

Sunny art by Hallah and Heba Fattah
These colorful exotic paintings as if lit from within, radiate light all around. Soaked in hot golden sun, they tell stories about cats, graceful and beautiful women with a profile of Queen Nefertiti – flexible, plastic dancers of love. In each painting is lust and passion for the ancient culture of the Egyptian people. And behind all of this – a Russian artist with oriental name Fattah Hallah Abdel. Egyptian in origin, Hallah Abdel Fattah was born and raised in Russia. Her parents – dancer and filmmaker, saw their future here, in the great and strong (then) Soviet Union, and therefore decided to settle in Moscow. Their two daughters, Hallah and Heba were born in Moscow, and they followed the footsteps of their parents, devoting their life to art. Today, Heba Fattah – dancer at the Bolshoi Theater, and Hallah draws amazing pictures, which are a mixture of Russian and Egyptian cultures, their temperaments and characters.

Sunny art by Hallah and Heba Fattah
