Surreal Abandoned Amusement Park in Berlin
Life style

Surreal Abandoned Amusement Park in Berlin

Surreal Abandoned Amusement Park in Berlin
Spreepark PlanterWald – Surreal Abandoned Amusement Park in Berlin

Abandoned Amusement Park in Berlin
Spreepark PlanterWald, near Treptower Park in Berlin, full of fallen dinosaurs, appeared in East Berlin (the former GDR) in 1969. However, today, hidden behind security barriers, or camouflaged with faux facades it pretends that it does not exist. Located in the middle of a major European city – Berlin, close to the much-visited Treptower Park, it became abandoned since 2001.
Called Kulturpark Plänterwald in 1969, it occupied an area of ​​29.5 hectares near the river Spree, being the only “sedentary” amusement park in the territory of GDR. Until 1989, the park survived the reunification of both Germanies and moved into private hands. In particular, it became the property of the Spreepark Berlin GmbH company and started to develop successfully.
However, the idyll did not last long – it turned out that the assets of the founder of the company are very doubtful, and by 2001 it declared itself bankrupt. Finally emptied in 2002, its former owner and his family moved to Peru to seek happiness. But in South America, in 2004 he was sentenced to 7 years for attempting to smuggle 180 kg of cocaine, and his son and heir in a couple of years went after his father for 20 years for the same drug.

Abandoned Amusement Park in Berlin
A wheel attraction in the park

Surreal Abandoned Amusement Park in Berlin

Head of a fallen dinosaur
Head of a fallen dinosaur
Spreepark PlanterWald in Berlin
Surreal train in the Spreepark PlanterWald in Berlin
Spreepark PlanterWald in Berlin
Amusement Park Spreepark PlanterWald in Berlin
Spreepark PlanterWald in Berlin
Located in Berlin Spreepark PlanterWald
Spreepark PlanterWald in Berlin
Fallen dinosaurs in the abandoned Amusement Park
Spreepark PlanterWald in Berlin
Constructions in the abandoned Park Spreepark PlanterWald in Berlin
Spreepark PlanterWald in Berlin
A couple of beetles, sculpture in the abandoned park
Spreepark PlanterWald in Berlin
A boat
Spreepark PlanterWald in Berlin
Photos of the abandoned park
Spreepark PlanterWald in Berlin
Sculpture in the abandoned Amusement Park
Spreepark PlanterWald in Berlin
A swan boat
Spreepark PlanterWald in Berlin
UFO and art objects in the park
Spreepark PlanterWald in Berlin
Mermaid and dolphin sculptures
Spreepark PlanterWald in Berlin
Roller coaster in the abandoned Amusement Park
Abandoned Amusement Park Spreepark PlanterWald in Berlin
Prehistoric animals, fallen monuments and sculptures
Abandoned Amusement Park Spreepark PlanterWald in Berlin
Poor dino
Abandoned Amusement Park Spreepark PlanterWald in Berlin
Attraction in the abandoned Amusement Park in Berlin
Abandoned Amusement Park Spreepark PlanterWald in Berlin
Sad view of the abandoned park
Abandoned Amusement Park Spreepark PlanterWald in Berlin
Abandoned Amusement Park Spreepark PlanterWald in Berlin

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