Surreal World of Catherine Alexandre

Surreal World of Catherine Alexandre

Surreal World of Catherine Alexandre
Woman of universe. Beautiful Surreal World of Catherine Alexandre, French artist

Surreal World of Catherine Alexandre
Talented French surrealist artist Catherine Alexandre started painting at the age of two. “My parents put a pencil in my hand, that ‘I Have never let it go since.” She studied painting and worked in different directions of art – made beautiful engraving, designed clothing and did embroidery motifs for a textile company, created original characters for cartoons, and she painted. Catherine’s statement “ART IS ALCHEMY”.

Beautiful Surreal World of French artist Catherine Alexandre

Currently I paint and I write. I organize a room of Fantastic Art in my area and want to have a large workshop and gallery open to the public. I care as the flowers in my garden.

For me life is a whole, all the activities that I derive from the same mindset, the same research: to bring the best of myself while drawing education in what surrounds me, beings and things. And it is a comprehensive program to bring its “small stone” to the building.

As a freelance artist she created original cartoon characters for five years. She discovered the world of cinema there, and started to write scenarios. And novels.

Surreal World of Catherine Alexandre

French artist Catherine Alexandre
Paper planes. Beautiful Surreal World of French artist Catherine Alexandre
Paper planes. Beautiful painting by French artist Alexandre
French artist Catherine Alexandre
French artist Catherine Alexandre
Clouds like horses
French artist Catherine Alexandre
Autumn inspiration
French artist Catherine Alexandre
Fruit hat.
French artist Catherine Alexandre
Jumping ballerina.
French artist Catherine Alexandre
Peacock feathers.
French artist Catherine Alexandre
French artist Catherine Alexandre
Painting by French artist Alexandre
French artist Catherine Alexandre
Paper decorations
French artist Catherine Alexandre


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