Dream world by Naoto Hattori

Dream world by Naoto Hattori

Dream world by Naoto Hattori
Surreal Painting by Japanese artist -Dream world by Naoto Hattori

Dream world by Naoto Hattori
Born in 1975 in Yokohama, Japanese artist Naoto Hattori studied Graphic Design in Tokyo. After graduation he moved to New York to study in the School of Visual Arts. Of his work, he says: “My vision is like a dream, whether it’s a sweet dream, a nightmare, or just a trippy dream. I try to see what’s really going on in my mind, and that’s a practice to increase my awareness in stream-of-consciousness creativity. I try not to label or think about what is supposed to be. Just take it in as it is and paint whatever I see in my mind with no compromise. That way, I create my own vision.

Painting by Japanese artist Naoto Hattori
Panda ballerina. Surreal painting by Japanese artist Naoto Hattori

Naoto Hattori has received Awards from the Society of Illustrators, the New York Directors Club, Communication Arts. Also, he has won numerous award from many art competitions and has been published in many art magazines.

Dream world by Naoto Hattori

Beautiful mind. Dream world in Painting by Japanese artist Naoto Hattori
Beautiful mind. Dream world in Painting by Japanese artist Naoto Hattori
Painting by Japanese artist Naoto Hattori
Frog the prayer. Painting by Japanese artist Naoto Hattori
Painting by Japanese artist Naoto Hattori
Romantic cats. Painting by Japanese artist Naoto Hattori
Painting by Japanese artist Naoto Hattori
Inspired. Painting by Japanese artist Naoto Hattori
Painting by Japanese artist Naoto Hattori
Zen. Painting by Japanese artist Naoto Hattori
Painting by Japanese artist Naoto Hattori
Fabulous Painting by Japanese artist Naoto Hattori
Painting by Japanese artist Naoto Hattori
The world of surreal creatures in Painting by Japanese artist Naoto Hattori
Painting by Japanese artist Naoto Hattori
Insect lady. Painting by Japanese artist Naoto Hattori
Painting by Japanese artist Naoto Hattori
Unique surreal Painting by Japanese artist Naoto Hattori
Painting by Japanese artist Naoto Hattori
Triple face. Painting by Japanese artist Naoto Hattori
Painting by Japanese artist Naoto Hattori
Meduse. Painting by Japanese artist Naoto Hattori
Painting by Japanese artist Naoto Hattori
A dog walking a man. Painting by Japanese artist Naoto Hattori


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