Symbol of India The Great Banyan

Symbol of India The Great Banyan – a tree with the world’s largest area of the crown. Located in Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose Indian Botanic Garden in Howrah, near Kolkata, India. The Great Banyan, or as it is called, tree-forest, has not one, but thousands of trunks. Great Banyan Ficus is a Bengali, small and inedible fruit when ripe red. In the ancient times banyan tree was called the world tree, it is a symbol of human consciousness. It is quite possible that this tree grew in the Garden of Eden. And it was called the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Tree represents a constantly updated and resurgent world, an inexhaustible source of life. It appears from the seed, grows, creates its own world, its life. It is a symbol of order and harmony as opposed to Chaos.
Bunyan – the national tree of India. Under this tree Buddha attained complete enlightenment. There is something from many-armed multi-legged dancing Indian deities, isn’t there? The name “banyan» introduced Europeans. Travelers from Portugal and England noticed that Hindu traders (banias) often gathered to trade, socialize and relax under the huge trees. Thus appeared the name «banias tree», and later the word “banyan” meant the tree itself. All is as follows: first, grows a single tree, which branches stretch back to the ground. Of course, most of these aerial roots do not reach the ground and die, however, some manage to get root. Immediately thereafter hanging root begins to thicken, gradually turning into a real new trunk. And now, to the main tree trunk added 2 and then 3 and 4 …. as many as space is enough. Currently Great Banyan has 3280 aerial roots that reach to the ground.
Symbol of India The Great Banyan