The most unusual monument to Beethoven
The most unusual monument to Beethoven
Сreated in 1986, in the city of Bonn, Germany, for Beethoven festival celebration, it is one of the most unusual monuments ever created dedicated to Beethoven. In fact, Bonn is the birthplace of Beethoven (1770). The author of the monument – an abstract sculptor Dusseldorf Professor Klaus Kammerihs. He placed his work “Beethoven’s head” on a large lawn right in front of the Concert Hall. Meanwhile, it took the artist five months to complete the sculpture. He built polystyrene molds in his studio in Dusseldorf.
In particular, these forms were put back together in Bonn and were then filled with concrete. Meanwhile, Klaus Kammerichs developed this new form of sculpture between duplication and abstraction in the 70s. His works decorate important collections in Europe, USA and Japan.
And yet, this monument is unique in that it is increasingly unusual as you approach it. The front image keeps the contour and shape of the statue, and side view suddenly turns into a pile of concrete rolls. These rolls, longer or shorter, seem somewhat formless and meaningless.
Interestingly, the closer you get, the less you understand. Everything turns into magic chaos. However, mosaic returns to the big picture if you back away and look into the eyes of Beethoven. The back side of the monument is also Beethoven, only more sad, angry, deaf, overwhelmed by difficulties, as in the last years of his life.
The most unusual monument to Beethoven