3D Eye-Fooling pictures by Russian-born artist Nikolaj Arndt

Nikolaj Arndt 3D art inside a house

Nikolaj Arndt 3D art inside a house
A hole in the floor. Eye-Fooling pictures by Russian-born artist Nikolaj Arndt 3D art inside a house

Nikolaj Arndt 3D art inside a house
Usually, three-dimensional pictures – drawn on the sidewalks, squares and other places in the open. But these one-of-a-kind 3D Eye-Fooling pictures were created on the floor inside a house. Just the interior I’ve never seen before. Meanwhile, Russian-born artist Nikolaj Arndt lives in Marburg (Hessen), Germany. He paints beautiful trompe l’oeil – French for “fools the eye” – pictures on floors and sidewalks, giving the illusion that his art is popping up out of the surfaces he draws on.

3D Eye-Fooling pictures by Russian-born artist Nikolaj Arndt
Crocodiles. 3D Eye-Fooling pictures by Russian-born artist Arndt

Nikolaj Arndt 3D art inside a house

3D Eye-Fooling pictures by Russian-born artist Nikolaj Arndt
Creating 3D Eye-Fooling pictures Russian-born artist
3D Eye-Fooling pictures by Russian-born artist Nikolaj Arndt
Staircase to the basement. 3D Eye-Fooling pictures by Russian-born artist Arndt
3D art inside a house
The same picture viewed under another angle. 3D art inside a house
Advertising books Paul O Grady by Nikolaj Arndt
Advertising books Paul O Grady by Germany based artist
Cut the rope by Nikolaj Arndt
Cut the rope 3D art
Son and dog by Nikolaj Arndt
And these are – the artist’s son and dog created by Arndt


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