Akhal-Teke the most beautiful horse in the world
Akhal-Teke the most beautiful horse in the world
In the above photo – the horse owned by the president of Turkmenistan Kurbanguly Berdymukhamedov. Originally, the name Akhal Teke came from a Russian general. He admired these horses and named them after a Turk tribesman who lived near Akhal oasis.
These shiny, graceful, athletic, elegant horses have unusual, metallic quality to the coat the main characteristic feature of the breed. In fact, Turkmen land – the homeland of Ahalteke horses. According to the chairman of the International Association of Ahalteke Horses, President of Turkmenistan, “Born on the Turkmen land, Ahalteke horse is a symbol of a striking harmony, beauty, gracefulness and incomparable swiftness. Given to it by nature and developed by the labor and mind of a man”. Noteworthy, in November 2012 the President signed a decree on holding annually the International Beauty Contest of Akhal-Teke horses in April, on the Day of Turkmen Horse. In addition, created competition among artists, sculptors, carpet weavers, jewelers, photographers, publishers, designers, and cameramen. And the nomination – for the best artistic image of akhaltekins (Akhal-Teke). Today, Turkmenistan uses Akhal-Teke horses as diplomatic gifts.
Akhalteke horses beauty and outstanding qualities inspire writers and poets, artists and craftsmen, musicians and film makers to express their everlasting admiration about this wonderful creature. Cinematographers have devoted a lot of documentaries and feature films to the outstanding representatives of this legendary breed, and various schools of horse breeding and training horses, the relationship between a man and horse.
For a long time it was believed that Soviet Marshal Georgy Zhukov took the first Victory parade on Red Square, Moscow in 1945 on the famous Akhal-Teke Arab, the descendant of Boinou. The image of Marshal Zhukov on horseback captured in film, painting, sculpture, coins and postage stamps.
In different cities of Turkmenistan there are monuments to the Akhal-Teke. The largest number of sculptures located in Ashgabat.
In 1994, it was proclaimed a champion among Akhalteke horses. In 1996, in the races dedicated to the Day of Independence it was awarded a honorary prize at a distance of 800 m. In 1996, it became a possessor of the Challenge Cup of the National equestrianism center after completing a 120-km run.
Erekdag is used as a stud horse and gives a wonderful posterity that has golden-dun color. Its descendants are distinguished with the brightest and most characteristic peculiarities inherent in the Akhalteke breed.
Akhal-Teke the most beautiful horse in the world