Artist Sir Winston Churchill

Artist Sir Winston Churchill

Artist Sir Winston Churchill
Artist Sir Winston Churchill

Artist Sir Winston Churchill. Few people know that British politician, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Winston Churchill (30 November 1874 – 24 January 1965) was also an amateur artist, honorary member of the Royal Academy of Arts. He discovered his passion for painting immediately, started painting at the age of 40. And never stopped, having created a big collection of more than 500 paintings! This passion helped Churchill get rid of depression, forget about all the squabbles and troubles of big politics. Winston drew everywhere: at home, in Britain, during numerous trips to different countries. He painted portraits, interiors, but especially loved to go out with his easel on the “plein air” and paint landscapes.

Artist Sir Winston Churchill
Antibes, 1930

“I have lived forty years without picking up a brush, never having worked in pencil, in the belief that painting – it’s some kind of magic, and I was amazed, watching the street artists painting on the asphalt, and all of a sudden, immediately found myself in the world of palettes and easels, it was filled with new and interesting activities – painting – and was never upset with the achieved result …

Artist Sir Winston Churchill
Atlas mountains, the view from Marrakesh, 1949

In 1921, Churchill sent a few of his creations to the international exhibition in Paris, signing them with a false name, and six of his works were awarded by the jury. And in 1925 at the London exhibition by amateur artists, his painting (of course, no one had any idea of who the author was) took the first place! In 1947, Churchill sent a few works to the Royal Academy of Arts. As always, the work has been signed by a fictitious name. To the great surprise of Winston, two of his paintings were accepted. And in 1948 he was granted the title of honorary member of the Royal Academy of Arts.

Artist Sir Winston Churchill

Artist Sir Winston Churchill
Boats, 1933
Artist Sir Winston Churchill
Calm, boat, 1925
Artist Sir Winston Churchill
Cathedral, Hawkwood Park, 1924
Artist Sir Winston Churchill
Eze, Alpes-Maritimes, 1930
Artist Sir Winston Churchill
Goldfish, 1935
Artist Sir Winston Churchill
Jerusalem, 1921
Artist Sir Winston Churchill
Lake, Blenheim, 1926
Artist Sir Winston Churchill
Lallenden 1920.
Artist Sir Winston Churchill
Le Dragoner, Cape Martin (Cote d’Azur), 1930
Artist Sir Winston Churchill
Loch Shin, 1930
Artist Sir Winston Churchill
Neighborhood Beccles, Suffolk, 1930
Artist Sir Winston Churchill
Ourika Valley and the Atlas Mountains, 1948
Artist Sir Winston Churchill
Porte Saint-Jean Cape Ferrat, 1921
Artist Sir Winston Churchill
Pyramids, 1921
Artist Sir Winston Churchill
Rocks at Cannes, 1935
Artist Sir Winston Churchill
Snow under the arch or the postman, 1935
Artist Sir Winston Churchill
Storm over Cannes, 1925
Artist Sir Winston Churchill
Tea in Chartwell, 1928
Artist Sir Winston Churchill
The boat in the harbor, Cannes, 1930
Artist Sir Winston Churchill
The bridge in the Palladian style, Wilton, 1925
Artist Sir Winston Churchill
Trees, Norfolk, 1923
Artist Sir Winston Churchill
View of Venice (or Saint-Malo – guesses catalog), 1925
Artist Sir Winston Churchill
Winter sun, Chartwell, 1924