Painting Autumn Belarusian artist Leonid Afremov

Painting Autumn Belarusian artist Leonid Afremov

Painting Autumn Belarusian artist Leonid Afremov
A couple on the bridge. Painting Autumn Belarusian artist Leonid Afremov

Painting Autumn Belarusian artist Leonid Afremov
“It smells of autumn. I love Russian autumn. Something unusually sad, friendly and beautiful. I would fly somewhere along with the cranes.” Anton Chekhov.
Undoubtedly, autumn, the most spiritual and inspirational season of the year, inspires talented poets, writers and artists. And one of these artists – Belarusian impressionist Leonid Afremov. Meanwhile, his paintings show bright colors, energy and optimism. Interestingly, he paints his pictures without using a brush. Instead, he puts on canvas special spatula strokes of paint – a palette knife. Thus, he adds colorful strokes to incredibly bright and cheerful landscapes. Afremov graduated from the famous art school in Vitebsk, where studied such artists as Kandinsky and Malevich. Currently, Leonid lives in one of the beautiful resort towns in Florida. Noteworthy, paintings by Leonid Afremov have positive effect on the psyche and relieve stress, according to psychologists and psychiatrists. That’s why some people even use his pictures in therapy.

Autumn by Leonid Afremov
Fall – the last, the most delightful smile of the year. Painting by Leonid Afremov

“Autumn came suddenly. The same way happiness comes from the most obscure things -. From far steamship whistle on the Oka, or random smiles.” Konstantin Paustovsky

Painting Autumn Belarusian artist Leonid Afremov

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