From a beautiful underwater world

Beautiful alien-like underwater world

Beautiful alien-like underwater world
Pink coral. Beautiful alien-like underwater world

Beautiful alien-like underwater world
According to scientists, simple contemplation of aquarium fish positively affects the mental health of a person. And that’s probably a reason of appearance of the underwater photography. Wonderful underwater world of the oceans, rivers, and seas attracts people with cameras. However, underwater photography is actually pretty rare. First, because not everyone owns an underwater camera. And second, even owning such a professional camera doesn’t make you a professional photographer, able to get incredible shots.

Meanwhile, this post features beautiful corals. Noteworthy, coral reefs are under stress around the world, and for many reasons. In particular, coral mining, agricultural and urban runoff, pollution (organic and inorganic), over-fishing, and blast fishing. Besides, the digging of canals and access into islands and bays localized threats to coral ecosystems. Also, there are broader threats. Among them – sea temperature rise, sea level rise and pH changes from ocean acidification. All associated with greenhouse gas emissions. In 1998, 16% of the world’s reefs died as a result of increased water temperature.

Alien-looking sea creatures that live at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean
Living at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean creatures. Beautiful alien-like underwater world

Researchers from the America’s Ocean Exploration Team have filmed on video a few amazing new species – sea creatures. They live at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean and have never been caught in the lens. Interestingly, they resemble alien beings and defy classification: scientists still only have to describe and name the new species. 100 species of fish, 50 species of deep-water corals, and hundreds of other invertebrates – recorded over 12 dives near Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands.

Underwater expedition, during which they made rare footage, organized and funded by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Research work took place in the waters of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. The goal of researchers was to study the ecosystem of the seabed. With the help of a remote-controlled device they were able not only to see but also shoot amazing and unknown creatures living at depths of up to 3 km. However, on their discoveries American scientists tell gradually. First, on the network appeared photos collection of strange and alien creatures, which they managed to capture in the seabed, and now made public videos.

Beautiful alien-like underwater world

acropora austera
acropora austera

According to the Committee on the Environment of the United Nations, each year 25 thousand species of animals and plants – about three kinds an hour disappear from our planet. The question is – who will replace them? For example, who will pollinate flowers instead of butterflies and bees, whose numbers has greatly reduced?

Nudibranch Eggs
Nudibranch Eggs
Purple Anthea (Psudanthias tuka)
Purple Anthea (Psudanthias tuka)
sea squirts (Ascidiae)
Sea Squirts (Phallusia julinea)
Phallusia julinea
small purple fish
small purple fish
Soft tree coral (Nephthya sp.)
Soft tree coral (Nephthya sp.)
Solitary Coral (Fungia fungites, also known as Mushroom Coral
Solitary Coral (Fungia fungites, also known as Mushroom Coral
solitary coral
solitary coral
Tube worm sabellastarte sanctijose
Tube worm sabellastarte sanctijose
acropora austera
acropora austera
Acropora coral
Acropora coral
Blue Encrusting Sponge (Haliclona sp)
Blue Encrusting Sponge (Haliclona sp)
christmas tree worm
christmas tree worm
christmas tree worms
Charming christmas tree worms
coral (Goniopora djiboutiensis)
Goniopora djiboutiensis
coral polyps
coral polyps
Stunning coral polyps
Stunning coral polyps
elephant ear sponge
elephant ear sponge
Fan Coral
Fan Coral
Feather Star (Comanthina schlegeli) resting between two different coral species
Feather Star (Comanthina schlegeli) resting between two different coral species
feather worms
feather worms
Beautiful alien-like underwater world. illustrious sea-squirt
illustrious sea-squirt
Beautiful alien-like underwater world. Weird sea creatures that live at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean
Weird creatures that live at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean
The Atlantic Ocean bottom alien creatures
The Atlantic Ocean bottom creatures
Beautiful alien-like underwater world. The bottom of the Atlantic Ocean
Inhabiting the Atlantic Ocean creature
Beautiful alien-like underwater world. Alien-looking sea creature
Sea creature
Beautiful alien-like underwater world. Tree-like creature of the Atlantic Ocean
Tree-like creature of the Atlantic Ocean
Beautiful alien-like underwater world. Tree-like creature of the Atlantic Ocean
Amazing creatures live in the Atlantic Ocean
Beautiful alien-like underwater world. seafloor of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands
seafloor of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands
Beautiful alien-like underwater world. New species from the uncharted deep-sea ecosystem and seafloor of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands
New species from the uncharted deep-sea ecosystem and seafloor of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands
Meet Sea cucumber
Meet Sea cucumber
Beautiful alien-like underwater world. Discovered species from the uncharted deep-sea ecosystem and seafloor of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands
Discovered species from the uncharted deep-sea ecosystem and seafloor of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands
Beautiful alien-like underwater world. America’s Ocean Exploration Team have filmed on video a few amazing new species
America’s Ocean Exploration Team have filmed on video a few amazing new species
Beautiful alien-like underwater world. Recorded over 12 dives near Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands unknown underwater creatures
Recorded over 12 dives near Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands unknown underwater creatures
Beautiful alien-like underwater world. Mysterious Underwater Creatures
Mysterious Underwater Creatures