Beautiful Cranberry Sea

Beautiful Cranberry Sea

Beautiful Cranberry Sea in British Columbia, Canada
Bizarre look of the beautiful Cranberry Sea in British Columbia, Canada

Beautiful Cranberry Sea
When Canadian Maple autumn begins, on the surface of the flooded plantations floats cranberry. Thus, amazing red Sea of quite a bizarre look appear. Meanwhile, the bright red sea of floating cranberries signals the start of the six week long harvest season. Sometimes, up to their waists, dastar-turbaned Sikh Canadians roam in the water. And this makes the monitoring of gathering the berries process even more surprising. By the way, Canada – the main center of non-Indian Sikh diaspora. Considered a national treasure of Canada (and the USA), the large-fruited cranberry sea has some peculiarities. In particular, its fruits contain air chambers, allowing the berries float on the surface. When the harvest season begins, the plantations of cranberry bushes became filled with water. Accordingly, berries come off. And it only remains to drive them to the edge of the pond and catch already clean berries out of the water.

Beautiful Cranberry Sea in British Columbia, Canada
Covered with cranberry Sea in British Columbia, Canada

Traditionally, Canada is an important growing area in North America for cranberries. Of all the cranberries harvested in Canada every year, about 60% – grown for Ocean Spray. This represents as much as 20 per cent of the total North American Ocean Spray cranberry crop.

Beautiful Cranberry Sea

Beautiful Cranberry Sea
Located in British Columbia large-fruited cranberry Sea
Beautiful Cranberry Sea
Considered a national treasure of Canada (and the USA), scarlet red Cranberry Sea
Exotic Cranberry Sea in Canada
Beautiful Cranberry Sea
Among red cranberry seas Sikh Canadians roam in water
Beautiful Cranberry Sea
Wonderful Cranberry Sea in Canada
Beautiful Cranberry Sea
When maple autumn begins, on the surface of the flooded plantations floats cranberry, forming red Sea of quite a bizarre look
Beautiful Cranberry Sea
British Columbia, Cranberry Sea
Beautiful Cranberry Sea
The bright red sea of floating cranberries signals the start of the six week long cranberry harvest season
Beautiful Cranberry Sea
Found in British Columbia, Cranberry Sea
