Mysterious tree, or Red maple leaf meaning
Mysterious tree, or Red maple leaf meaning
Red maple leaf facts
The beautiful red maple leaf has been the national symbol of Canada for over 150 years. Red and white are the official colors of Canada, proclaimed by King George V in 1921. According to historians, maple leaf began to serve as a Canadian symbol as early as 1700. Long before the arrival of European settlers, Aboriginal peoples had already discovered the food properties of maple sap – which they gathered every spring. Since the 1800s, Canadians have paid tribute to the maple leaf many times.
According to Psychologists, Maple is a tree that helps to find peace of mind for people of all types, brings comfort, and self-confidence. It is a tree of inner strength and steadiness. Therefore, maple creates barriers to Darkness. A solar disk carved from maple and hung over the door, maple steps at the entrance to the house, the doorframes of the entrance door from this tree are all defenses against evil forces. Traditionally, people used Maple to build bridges over running water. Running water is an obstacle to dark forces, and maple did not allow these forces to use the bridge.
Also, maple branches, covering the barn, or stuck in the walls, protect cattle from evil eye and spoilage. By the way, a drink from fermented maple juice is a sacred wine of sun worshipers.
Red maple leaf in the famous painting. Prominent Russian artist Valentin Serov finished work on this portrait in September. The yellowing foliage outside the window and on the table is evidence of the girl’s long patience. In addition, autumn maple leaves next to summer peaches seem to remind: life is fleeting, and you should rejoice, as long as you are young and the sun shines. However, a girl with peaches (the daughter of a rich industrialist) in reality lived only 32 years (died of pneumonia). Her husband no longer married, and took care of their three children.
Noteworthy, Maple is on the list of six trees that can help survive in the forest. So, everyone should know this, because life is unpredictable. Maple leaves, as a rule, have five blades with pointed tips. Maple can be easily recognized by seeds-“airplanes”. From the juice of a tree of a sugar maple, a red maple or a black maple make maple syrup. Application of maple for survival:
• seeds inside the “airplanes”, you can it them in boiled or fried form, as well as added to stews;
• Maple sprigs, you can use them in the process of cooking in the open air (as a spit, for example);
• Young maple leaves are also edible, from them you can prepare a tasty and healthy salad.
Broad maple leaf helps to become rich and happy. To adjust the financial situation, in the fall on the growing moon, you must sprinkle yourself with maple leaves, imagining that it is a rain of gold and money bills. Then you should bring the collected leaves home. After drying them up, just scatter them in the wind with the words: “The leaves fly away, but the gold stay with me.” In addition, if you want to solve your problems of non-material nature, it is necessary to stand under a tree. It will restore mental equilibrium, and will help find a way out of the difficult situation.
In addition, made of Maple magic wands – used for curses. And a stick made of maple – used in protective magic.
Next to the house on the south or south-west side plant a maple. It will protect the house from the scorching sun rays in the hot summer season, and give magic protection, and even save from lightning. Noteworthy, Maple brings happiness, love and prosperity to the house.
This is a very light tree, and its energy is not soft and passive, but effective: maple serves as a kind of protective barrier against Evil forces. This tree gives people self-confidence, relieves of negative emotions, taking them on themselves. There is a belief that there is a deep connection between the maple, which grows next to the house, and its master.
Since maple is the patron of love, its stunningly beautiful leaves can be used in love magic. No wonder that we are so happy to bring home bouquets of maple leaves in autumn. It is not only a tribute to their beauty, but also a subliminal desire to fill the house with love.
To make from a maple leaf a love talisman is easy. Find an even, clean, absolutely preserved maple red leaf in autumn. Wash, dry, then, holding it in your hands, imagine a loved one in your mind, imagine a date with him, think about what you expect from him, and what you would like. Then, kissing the tips of the leaf, put it under the bed on which you sleep, or under the mattress. After meeting with the subject of your feelings, wrap the leaf in a red cloth and hide it far away – into the drawer of the chest, where you rarely look, on the far shelf of the wardrobe. This talisman will cause the object of your love to see you as often as possible. The magic of such a talisman is valid for a year: the next autumn burn the leaf with gratitude.
Interestingly, the maple can help get rid of debts and attract money. In particular, if today to tear off a maple leaf and apply any money symbol (print or any other) to it, and then wrap the root of the sea-buckthorn and tie it with a red thread, you will get a magic amulet. It will be a talisman for getting rid of debts and attracting the necessary amount of money.
Meanwhile, there is a pot plant, similar to red maple leaves. This is Pelargonium Vancouver Centennial. Zonal, star-shaped, variegated pelargonium is the most beautiful among pelargoniums. All stellars have very interesting leaves, similar to maple. Grown by Ian Gillam in 1986 and named so in honor of the celebration of the century of the Canadian city of Vancouver. The variety is remarkable primarily for its foliage. With good lighting, the leaves get a bright-green tint at the edges, and the center become brick-red. In addition, bright crimson flowers complement the effect.
Mysterious tree, or Red maple leaf meaning
Red maple leaf
I feel that something will happen this fall …
I dreamed about September –
It packs in the maple leaves our happiness:
Orange-red and radiant.
And suddenly today is my last day,
And you are not near, my dear.
I’ll read my autumn poem.
I’ll create a picture of the red leaves.
The soul of summer is sad, my dear.
September undressed, I look forward to our meeting.
You loved me so much in the summer,
Loved me warmly, kissed me on the shoulders.
And suddenly today is your last day,
And I’m not around, unfortunately.
I’ll send you my autumn poem
In the envelope with a red maple leaf.
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