Filigree by Vladimir Tsekunov
Filigree by Vladimir Tsekunov
All these beautiful items are made in the technology known under different names – “Belarusian filigree”, “Gomel filigree”, “Sozh filigree,” “Tsekunov filigree”, or simply “Tsekunovka.” The name “Tsekunovka” is the most appropriate and emphasizes the authorship of its creator. According to the craftsmen, nobody else makes the same art things in the world. Gomel wooden filigree was developed and brought to life by a wonderful craftsman from Gomel, Belarusian artist Vladimir Tsekunov. An ancient technique used in the XV century to adorn the icons became forgotten. In 1990 filigree wood master Vladimir Tsekunov revived this art. The talented master died in spring 2008, but he has left not only his masterpieces, but followers, who continue creating filigree decorated plates, boxes, desktop utensils, salaries, frames, table tops, decorative dishes – this is an incomplete list of items that can be decorated with “Tsekunovka”, giving them a unique appearance.
Highly artistic works from the workshop of manual labor of Vladimir Tsekunov and his disciples today adorn the galleries, exhibition halls, museums, private collections and service offices of prominent statesmen, political and religious leaders of the world.
In “Tsekunovka” masters use a variety of wood: apple, cherry, plum, chestnut, alder, acacia, ash, hazel, buck-thorn bush, red and lemon tree, ebony, rosewood and many others.
Filigree by Vladimir Tsekunov