Berlusconi in a glass coffin

Berlusconi in a glass coffin
Installation “Italian Dream” – is a creation by Italian artists Antonio Garullo and Mario Ottochento. They placed their installation at Chigi Palace in Rome. In particular, a glass coffin with a figure of a former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi smiling inside.
Meanwhile, Berlusconi with a smile on his lips in a glass sarcophagus rests on a velvet veil and satin pillow. His right arm – put on the book “History of Italy”, and lowered into the left unbuttoned pants. In addition, on his feet he is wearing slippers with Mickey Mouse.
By the way, the creators of the installation “Italian Dream” – Antonio and Mario Garullo Ottochento – the first same-sex couple, married in Amsterdam in 2002.
In fact, “Dream of the Italians” – an allusion to the phrase that former prime minister spoke during his telephone conversations with his friends, according to InoPressa, citing an article in the Italian Corriere della Sera. Artists do not accidentally chose a place for their work: the Chigi Palace is the residence of the Italian heads of government.
According to the authors of the installation “Christian tradition to show the body to maintain the tradition of saints and heroic bodies and political leaders after their death”.
Berlusconi in a glass coffin