A dove feeding people. Funny illustration by Canadian animation artist. Humor by Sheharzad Arshad
Humor by Sheharzad Arshad
Toronto based Designer and Animator Sheharzad Arshad is a Canadian digital media artist known by his activity as an illustrator. Undoubtedly, his pictures and cartoons are rather funny, and the world in it as if turned upside-down. However, if you can’t stand black humor, you won’t see any fun in them. His works are rather famous – as famous as black humor itself.
Meanwhile, on his website the artist says about himself – “I have worked with several agencies and brands. And I have had some great opportunities to work on a wide variety of projects in different media. In particular, print, web, mobile and video. As a student of Digital Media and Animation Arts, I am very versatile and knowledgeable about different aspects of the industry workflow and project pipelines. Besides, I am always willing to learn new things to increase my knowledge”.
Picasso. Funny illustration by Canadian animation artist Sheharzad Arshad
Humor by Sheharzad Arshad
Zebra crossing the Beatles. Funny illustration by Canadian animation artist Sheharzad ArshadAlien wants to believe in people. Funny illustration by Canadian animation artist Sheharzad ArshadBroken hands. Funny illustration by Canadian animation artist Sheharzad ArshadA mouse operating a man as a computer mouse. Funny illustration by Canadian animation artist Sheharzad ArshadA cigarette smoking a man. Funny illustration by Canadian animation artist Sheharzad ArshadPigs with a man-bank. Funny illustration by Canadian animation artist Sheharzad ArshadCows and a man. Funny illustration by Canadian animation artist Sheharzad ArshadBoxes opening children. Funny illustration by Canadian animation artist Sheharzad ArshadDogs walking their owners. Funny illustration by Canadian animation artist Sheharzad ArshadBanana story. Funny illustration by Canadian animation artist Sheharzad ArshadTrapped. Funny illustration by Canadian animation artist Sheharzad ArshadCrying onion cutting a man. Funny illustration by Canadian animation artist Sheharzad ArshadPicnic. Funny illustration by Canadian animation artist Sheharzad ArshadTrees cutting man. Funny illustration by Canadian animation artist Sheharzad ArshadHuman meat. Funny illustration by Canadian animation artist Sheharzad ArshadIce-cream eating people. Funny illustration by Canadian animation artist Sheharzad ArshadDandelion blowing man’s head. Funny illustration by Canadian animation artist Sheharzad ArshadPillows fighting with men. Funny illustration by Canadian animation artist Sheharzad Arshad