Cat world by Vladimir Rumyantsev

Cat world by Vladimir Rumyantsev

Cat world by Vladimir Rumyantsev. Russian poet Alexander Pushkin greeting the cat
Alexander Pushkin greeting a cat. Happy meeting. Cat world by Vladimir Rumyantsev

Cat world by Vladimir Rumyantsev
St. Petersburg based artist Vladimir Rumyantsev was born in 1957 in Cherepovets, Russia. He is a Member of society of water colorists of St. Petersburg. Vladimir began drawing at the age of four. He graduated from art school with specialization “commercial artist”. Later, Vladimir Rumyantsev graduated from the State Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture named after Ilya Repin in 1976. Vladimir Dmitrievich is a member of the Russian Union of artists. He has participated in many exhibitions across the country. Since 1995, a regular participant of exhibitions in the UK. His work can be found in the eight Museum collections, in private collections of Russia, Germany, Finland, the United States, Great Britain and Sweden.

Cat world by Vladimir Rumyantsev
Meeting with angel. Painting by Russian artist Vladimir Rumyantsev

The heroes of his paintings – cats. They are so expressive and painted with a sense of humor that can hardly leave anyone indifferent, and cat lovers may recognize their pets in cats by Vladimir Rumyantsev.

Cat world by Vladimir Rumyantsev
Love is

Rumyantsev’s Cats live in St. Petersburg. They communicate with the angels, walk on the roofs, sing songs, play golf, and enjoy fishing. In general, they lead a normal cat’s life. Many of them believe that “life is good”. Vladimir Rumyantsev infects cats and us, the audience, with love for life and optimism.

Creating with Pushkin
Creating with Pushkin

The great Russian poet was a true lover of cats, and adored these graceful animals, carefully watching them. In his literary works are mentioned a lot of real and mystical cats. Many of them were drawn in albums of ladies, on scraps of paper, on baize card-table. Most often, the poet depicted a fat cat sitting with its back to the viewer, with “ears on top” and curly tail. Such cat is drawn, for example, in 1833 in an unfinished draft of a letter to the mother of Natalia Goncharova. The most famous “cat” character in Pushkin – this is definitely a “cat scientist” in this fabulous poem:

There stands a green oak,
Golden Chain on the oak tree:
And day and night the cat scientist
Walks on the chain around.
He goes to the right – the song starts,
Left – the tale starts.

Cat world by Vladimir Rumyantsev

Fishing passion. Painting by Russian artist Vladimir Rumyantsev
Fishing passion
Petersburg romance. Painting by Russian artist Vladimir Rumyantsev
Petersburg romance
Watching the birds
Watching the birds
Playing the guitar. Cat world by Russian artist Vladimir Rumyantsev
Playing the guitar
Farewell to birds
Farewell to birds
A janitor and lots of cats. Cat world by Russian artist Vladimir Rumyantsev
A janitor and lots of cats
Cat world by Vladimir Rumyantsev
Waiting for fishers
Secret Desire
Gift to master
A Gift to the owner
Need for a bird
Need for a bird
Walking with a bird cage
Walking with a bird cage
Cat world by Vladimir Rumyantsev
Everybody is flying by
Cat world by Vladimir Rumyantsev
Festive table
Relaxing on a sofa
Relaxing on a sofa
An angel flying above a cat
An angel flying above a cat
Self-portrait. Russian artist Vladimir Rumyantsev
Self-portrait. Russian artist Vladimir Rumyantsev
Patterns and cats
Patterns and cats
Angel over you
Angel over you
Dreams come true
Dreams come true
Fishing passions
Fishing passions
A jumping frog
A jumping frog
Loving my master
Loving my master – fisherman
March dating
March dating
Premonition of spring. Cat world by Vladimir Rumyantsev
Premonition of spring

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