Coffee Creations by Karen Eland

Coffee Creations by Karen Eland

Coffee Creations by Karen Eland
RX espresso. American Gothic. Coffee Creations by Karen Eland, American artist

Coffee Creations by Karen Eland
Talented American artist Karen Eland has been drawing since childhood. Besides, according to her, at age 14 she became seriously interested in an art career. In particular, her love for fine coffee began in the late Kaldi’s Coffeehouse in New Orleans. She used to go there everyday to sketch her fellow French Quarter locals while sipping a black coffee with a dash of nutmeg on top. Besides, after moving back home to Tulsa, Oklahoma, she got introduced to the joys of top-quality espresso at Nordaggio’s Coffee. And finally, the link between coffee and art connected when she began painting with it in 1998. Undoubtedly, Coffee art is a unique art form. It requires a thoughtful and delicate touch. Capturing the depth of old masters’ works is only possible through a slow and sophisticated process of building layers upon layers of espresso.

Abraham Lincoln - commission. Coffee Creations by Karen Eland
Abraham Lincoln – commission. Coffee painting by American artist Karen Eland

Coffee Creations by Karen Eland

Coffee painting by American artist Karen Eland
Angel of Espresso
Coffee painting by American artist Karen Eland
At Sea, Astoria
Coffee painting by American artist Karen Eland
Ballet class
Coffee painting by American artist Karen Eland
A cafe terrace
Coffee painting by American artist Karen Eland
Caffe Vita label commission
Coffee painting by American artist Karen Eland
Vintage card
Coffee painting by American artist Karen Eland
Imitating Renaissance
Coffee painting by American artist Karen Eland
A giant tree
Coffee painting by American artist Karen Eland
Espresso at Lavena Cafe in Venice
Coffee painting by American artist Karen Eland
Van Gogh
Coffee painting by American artist Karen Eland
Vivace Latte Art
Coffee painting by American artist Karen Eland
La Victoria Alduino, Espresso Vivace mural panel
Coffee painting by American artist Karen Eland
Vivace mural panel by American coffee artist Karen Eland
Coffee painting by American artist Karen Eland
Florence Nightingale
Coffee painting by American artist Karen Eland
Gillnetting in Astoria, Oregon
Coffee painting by American artist Karen Eland
Girl with Pearl Earring
Coffee painting by American artist Karen Eland
Installing mural American artist Karen Eland
Coffee painting by American artist Karen Eland
Lady of chocolate
Coffee painting by American artist Karen Eland
Last Supper. Coffee painting
Coffee painting by American artist Karen Eland
Lavena Cafe in Venice
Coffee painting by American artist Karen Eland
Matisse’s blend
Coffee painting by American artist Karen Eland
Mona latte. Coffee painting
Coffee painting by American artist Karen Eland
New York. Coffee painting
Coffee painting by American artist Karen Eland
Night Hawks. Coffee painting
Coffee painting by American artist Karen Eland
Painting in studio American artist Karen Eland
Coffee painting by American artist Karen Eland
Ophelia. Work in progress
Coffee painting by American artist Karen Eland
Coffee painting by American artist Karen Eland
Picasso’s blend
Coffee painting by American artist Karen Eland
Portrait, commission
Coffee painting by American artist Karen Eland
Prima ballerina
Coffee painting by American artist Karen Eland
Rosetta Latte
Coffee painting by American artist Karen Eland
Starry night. Coffee painting
Coffee painting by American artist Karen Eland
The shepherdess
Coffee painting by American artist Karen Eland
Venice. Coffee painting by American artist Karen Eland
Coffee painting by American artist Karen Eland
Vitruvian man
Coffee painting by American artist Karen Eland
Whistlers mocha. Coffee painting
Coffee painting by American artist Karen Eland
Wreck of the Peter Iredale

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