Corpse Bride mannequin La Pascualita

Corpse Bride mannequin La Pascualita
If you ever get to Mexico, visit the town of Chihuahua, a shop of wedding dresses “La Popular … la casa de Pascualita”, which is located on a corner of Ocampo y Victoria street. What’s so special about this shop? Maybe nothing, except the fact that wonder mannequin in the window and mysterious legends associated with it. Mannequin, called La Pascualita, “lives” in the window for more than 80 years. The story goes that March 25, 1930, in a shop window appeared a mannequin. This finely crafted beautiful doll girl has a power to captivate pedestrians, unable to stop looking at her.
Shortly after the appearance of a mysterious figure in the window shop, throughout the city spread rumors that a mannequin’s magical look resembles the store owner, Pascual Esparza very much. People did not take long to come to the conclusion that in fact, it is the embalmed body of his recently died daughter Esparza. Esparza died on her wedding day from the bite of a scorpion (according to other sources – a poisonous spider).

This rumor did not please the locals who began to express disapproval to the shop owner. By the time Pascual Esparza had issued an official statement which denied the rumors. Alas, it was too late. No one believed the owner of a wedding shop. After some time the girl’s name was forgotten and mannequin was named La Pascualita.
Thus, impressionable sellers and onlookers continue spreading terrible rumors and legends that La Pascualita is able to move eyes, she stares at you, no matter where you are, within her field of view, or not. At night, she cries real tears, and at certain time of the year. Terrified sellers change her dress every two weeks behind closed curtains.
Furthermore, people say that a store owner brought mannequin from France and it is really amazingly realistic, especially considering the time of manufacture. As has been mentioned, the girl has human hair and eyelashes, detailed wrinkles on the skin, fingers and nails, which look highly realistic. They say, varicose veins can be seen on her legs.
The sad story of the daughter of the owner, who died on her wedding day, has acquired incredible and tragic versions. One of them says that the girl was in love with a taxi driver, whose mother was not enthusiastic about the forthcoming marriage. For this reason, she killed her son. Under those circumstances, unhappy bride committed suicide by throwing herself off a cliff. Besides, she disappears when sees a certain taxi. Another fantastic version – the girl was killed at the altar by some jealous rejected lover, when she was marrying another man.
According to a legend, the sudden death of the bride has struck poor parents so much that they decided to preserve the untouched beauty. They embalmed the body of their daughter, covered with paraffin, dressed in a wedding dress and put in a shop window. There are other fantastic versions of the appearance of “Bride Corpse” in the store. However, they are not trustworthy, and as we can judge by the photo, real daughter Pascual Esparza has very little resemblance to the world-famous mannequin. Most of these horror stories circulate in the historic center of the city of Chihuahua.
About the real origin of the dummy – too many uncertainties. Either it was made in Mexico, or Pasquali Esparza took it from the prestigious shops of Paris’ Port of Liverpool, just having fallen in love with a beautiful doll.
However, nobody and nothing is able to stop the rumors about the embalmed body to this day. As was previously stated, some passers-by are afraid to look into the eyes of La Pascualita. They insist that a ghost is watching through them. These fears do not dry out even in connection with the death of the owner in 1967. In short, many citizens believe that her spirit moved into the favorite mannequin, and the owner is still present in the shop, scaring others.
Corpse Bride mannequin La Pascualita