Fairy tales in Fedoskino miniature

Fedoskino miniature is a type of traditional Russian lacquer miniature painting. The painting is oil paints on boxes made of papier-mache. This crafts has developed in the late 18th century in the suburban village of Fedoskino. Noteworthy, this art arose because of the popularity snuff-boxes in Europe. The motifs for the fedoskino painting were popular fairy-tale characters.

On pike’s wish (English: On a wave of the wand). The caught by lazy but kind guy Yemelya pike could talk, he let her free, the pike in turn had given him fantastic power to make all his wishes come true, the happy end in this fairy tale – Yemelya married a princess and they lived happily, the pike is also happy to be back to her river. The moral of this fairy tale – Sacrifice to get what you want.

The Frog Princess. The plot of tale – Tsarevich shot arrow at random (where the arrow falls there will the bride). Ivan Tsarevich is forced to marry the frog. Frog, unlike wives of Ivan Tsarevich’s brothers, copes with all tasks. When the King invites Ivan and his wife Vasilisa to the feast, she arrives in the guise of a beautiful girl. Happy Ivan Tsarevich secretly burns frogs skin, that made her leave him. Ivan searches, finds her at Immortal Koshchei’s and frees his wife.

The Scarlet Flower is a Russian folk tale written by Sergey Aksakov. A wealthy merchant had three daughters. Once he decided to do business overseas. He asked what gifts should he bring them. The elder asked for the golden crown and the second wanted a dressing table with a mirror which added to the person’s beauty. The younger, named Nastenka (Anastasia), asked for the scarlet flower. Everything went well. The merchant bought all gifts, except for the scarlet flower. Upon picking it, the terrible Beast of the Forest leapt out and confronted the merchant. The beast allowed this on the one condition that within the next three days one of his daughters would willingly live with the beast, or the merchant’s life would be forfeit. To make a long story short, Anastasia had to fall in love with the beast, who turned out to be a handsome prince.

The little humpbacked horse — a tale in verse of Pyotr Pavlovich Yershov. The story is based on Tsarevitch Ivan, the Fire Bird and the Gray Wolf. The titular little horse helps Ivan, a peasant’s son, carry out the many unreasonable demands of the tsar. During his adventures, Ivan captures the beautiful magic firebird for the tsar, keeps his magic horse, and finds his love, Tsar-Maid (Princess). At the end, the princess and the peasant’s son live happily for many years after.

The Tale of Tsar Saltan is an 1831 poem by Aleksandr Pushkin. The full name – The Tale of Tsar Saltan, of His Son the Renowned and Mighty Bogatyr Prince Gvidon Saltanovich, and of the Beautiful Princess-Swan. The story is of three sisters, of whom the youngest is chosen by Tsar Saltan to be his wife, while he makes the other two his royal cook and royal weaver. They are jealous, and when the tsar goes off to war, the tsaritsa gives birth to a son, Prince Gvidon, they arrange to have her and her child sealed up in a barrel and thrown into the sea. The sea itself takes pity on them, and they are cast up on the shore of a remote island, Buyan. The son, having quickly grown while in the barrel, goes hunting. He ends up saving an enchanted swan from a kite. The swan creates a city for Prince Gvidon to rule, but he is homesick. In the end the swan is revealed to be a beautiful princess, whom he marries. He is visited by the Tsar, who is overjoyed to find his wife and newly-married son.

Father Frost (fairy tale). A woman had a stepdaughter and a daughter of her own, and she hated her stepdaughter. One day, she orders her husband to take her stepdaughter out into the winter fields and leave her there, and he obeys. Father Frost finds her there, and she is polite and kind to him, so he gives her a chest full of beautiful things and fine garments. When her stepmother sends her father to bring back her body to be buried, he goes to fulfill his task. After a while, the family dog says that the stepdaughter is coming back beautiful and happy.
When the stepmother sees what her stepdaughter had brought back, she orders her husband to bring her own daughter out into the fields. The girl is rude to Father Frost, and he freezes her to death. When her husband goes out to bring her back, the dog says that she will be buried. When the father brings back the body, the old woman weeps.

Sadko is a Russian medieval epic. The title character is an adventurer, merchant and gusli musician from Novgorod. Sadko played the gusli on the shores of a lake. The Sea Tsar enjoyed his music, and offered to help him. Sadko traded on the seas with his new wealth, but did not pay proper respects to the Tsar as per their agreement. The Tsar stopped Sadko’s ships in the sea. He and his sailors tried to appease the Sea Tsar with gold, to no avail. Sadko’s crew forced him to jump into the sea. There, he played the gusli for the Sea Tsar, who offered him a new bride. On advice, he took the last maiden in a long line, and lay down beside her. He woke up on the shore and rejoined his wife.

The Magic Swan Geese. A couple left their daughter in charge of her younger brother, but she lost track of him, and the magic swan geese snatched him away. She chased after him and came to an oven, to an apple tree, and a river of milk. She came across a little hut built on a hen’s foot, in which she found Baba Yaga with her brother. The girl took her brother and fled. Baba Yaga sent the swan geese after her. She begged the river for aid, it helped, the same happened with the apple tree and the oven. Then she reached home and safety.
Russian Fairy tales in Fedoskino miniature

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