Images of the sun taken during this week's solar storms

Images of the sun taken during this week’s solar storms

Images of the sun taken during this week’s solar storms
Beautiful Images of the sun taken during this week’s solar storms

Images of the sun taken during this week’s solar storms
According to NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory, during this week there have been huge solar storms on the sun. Fortunately, NASA has produced some incredible images of the sun. In particular, they captured the sun in all its violent glory, with its surface a maelstrom of activity. Meanwhile, NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory is able to differentiate between different temperature levels on the sun. So, it’s able to take beautiful kaleidoscopic pictures for us to enjoy.

images of the sun: This image combines three images with different, but very similar, temperatures
Rising Sun: This image combines three images with different, but very similar, temperatures

Images of the sun taken during this week’s solar storms

Images of the sun taken during this week’s solar storms
Swirling: The dark areas – called coronal holes – are places where very little radiation is emitted, yet are the main source of solar wind particles
Images of the sun taken during this week’s solar storms
This picture highlights the outer atmosphere of the Sun – called the corona – as well as hot flare plasma
Images of the sun taken during this week’s solar storms
extreme ultraviolet wavelength
Images of the sun taken during this week’s solar storms
color-coded image
Images of the sun taken during this week’s solar storms
Solar flares are often associated with solar magnetic storms known as coronal mass ejections (CMEs)
Images of the sun taken during this week’s solar storms
Apart from a brief radio blackout we were spared any major electrical problems from the solar flares this week
Images of the sun taken during this week’s solar storms
The Sun in extreme ultraviolet light captures a dark coronal hole just about at the Sun’s centre
Images of the sun taken during this week’s solar storms
Action hotting up: Activity on the sun will peak next year
Images of the sun taken during this week’s solar storms
Hotting up: Activity on the sun will peak next year
Images of the sun taken during this week’s solar storms
A web-like pattern of bright areas that highlight places where bundles of magnetic field lines are concentrated
Images of the sun taken during this week’s solar storms
Solar wind shapes the Earth’s magnetosphere and magnetic storms are illustrated here as approaching Earth


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