Felted sculpture by Irina Andreeva

Felted sculpture by Irina Andreeva

Felted sculpture by Irina Andreeva
Mother cat with her kittens. Felted sculpture by Irina Andreeva

Felted sculpture by Irina Andreeva.

Talented Russian artist Irina Andreeva graduated from graphic arts department of the Pedagogical University in the city of Izhevsk, Russia. Recently, along with her husband and young son she moved to Moscow and became at once a participant of festival. Her art works made her the winner of the International Festival of the author textile dolls “Eve’s Rib”. Felting is the oldest textile manufacturing technology in the world. Archaeologists date the first appearance of felted products 8000 years ago. Ancient people started felting wool of wild animals. And then they learned to spin, knit and make cloth.

A girl and her cat. Felted composition by Russian artist Irina Andreeva
A girl and her cat. Felted composition by Russian artist Irina Andreeva

Irina Andreeva’s dolls are made of gray-beige, silver felt – the perfect works of art, where the material does not dictate and subordinates, and is a friend and supporter of the artist. Her dolls are recognizable.

A girl playing the piano. Felted composition by Russian artist Irina Andreeva
A girl playing the piano

This story was inspired by her childhood memories. Heroes of the story – a little girl and her favorite cat. Not plush toy, but a real live kitty.

Morning. Felted composition by Russian artist Irina Andreeva

They live together in a cozy house, wake up in the morning, play, they are close friends who understand each other and they are happy together.

Felted composition by Russian artist Irina Andreeva
Washing face

The composition is built in the form of a warm house with a chest of drawers, cabinets, window with a warm battery bed. And with a snowman in the street. And all this is made out of felt!

In the framework of the 13th International Exhibition of Fine Arts, felt dolls artist Irina Andreeva prepared a surprise – a special project called “Warm Day”.

Felted sculpture by Irina Andreeva

Felted sculpture by Irina Andreeva
Getting Warm
Felted sculpture by Irina Andreeva
A girl and a kitten at the mirror
Felted sculpture by Irina Andreeva
Felted tree with mittens and valenki (winter footwear)
Felted sculpture by Irina Andreeva
A girl and a cat with swimming fish
Felted sculpture by Irina Andreeva
Playing with fish
Felted sculpture by Irina Andreeva
Getting warm
Felted sculpture by Irina Andreeva
Amazing Felted composition, a portrait above the window also felted
Felted sculpture by Irina Andreeva
Family photographs in frames – also felted
Felted sculpture by Irina Andreeva
Flower in a pot
Felted sculpture by Irina Andreeva
Girl in winter
Felted sculpture by Irina Andreeva
Girl hiding behind a winter shoe, which resembles a birch tree
Felted sculpture by Irina Andreeva
Felted cats
Felted sculpture by Irina Andreeva
A little girl
Felted sculpture by Irina Andreeva
Pelmeni, or Russian dumplings. Realistic felted composition
Felted sculpture by Irina Andreeva
A polar bear with a man
Felted sculpture by Irina Andreeva
Butterfly. Felted butterfly by Russian artist Irina Andreeva
Felted sculpture by Irina Andreeva
Mother with a baby
Felted sculpture by Irina Andreeva
Cute story of a little girl

source artdolls.ru/da/andreeva.html

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