Hummingbird. Beautiful accessories by “Hanna Bernhard” French jewelry designers
Hanna Bernhard Paris jewelry designers
Nathalie and Fernand is a talent duo named “Hanna Bernhard”, a husband and a wife team based in Paris. They create large pieces of jewelry, something like jewelry sculptures of animals, birds. French jewelry designers “Hanna Bernhard Jewelry” use vintage Swarovski crystals, semi-precious stones, Bakelite, beads. It’s important not to be lost in the shade of these incredibly beautiful accessories when wearing them.
Matryoshka doll necklace
A RUSSIAN MATRIOCHKA DOLL NECKLACE, made for Martina from Germany, who asked Hanna Bernhard jewelry designers to create a matriochka necklace. According to her, this was very special for her because of her Russian origins. She sent them a picture of some wooden matriochka dolls, and the talented jewelers started to work.
Hanna Bernhard Paris jewelry designers
Chains, bracelets and a necklace. Hanna BernhardDecorations by Hanna BernhardGrape necklace. Hanna Bernhard jewelleryHanna Bernhard Paris jewelry designersHummingbird. Hanna Bernhard jewelryOctopus and lobster pin. Beautiful accessories by “Hanna Bernhard” French jewelry designersUdjat eye pin. Beautiful accessories by “Hanna Bernhard” French jewelry designersCrowned Crane Bird. Beautiful accessories by “Hanna Bernhard” French jewelry designersNecklace. Hanna Bernhard jewelryDesign by Hanna BernhardCoral and diamonds snail broochBelt decoration – Crowned Crane Bird. Hanna Bernhard jewelry designBird’s head large broochMassive decoration – Cross pendant“Crawling beatle” large broochPink flamingo headWoodpecker headToucan pendant. Hanna Bernhard designAmazingly realistic black head of a monkey. Hanna Bernhard designBird with a crest blue brooch. Hanna Bernhard designNature inspired accessories and jewellery by Hanna BernhardPendant-suspension in the form of a monkey. Hanna Bernhard designExotic animals in accessories by Hanna BernhardBeautiful accessories by “Hanna Bernhard”Animal mask. Hanna Bernhard jewelryIris Apfel with Hanna Bernhard egret bird pin for Mac CosmeticsJerusalem – peace to the world. Beautiful accessories by “Hanna Bernhard” French jewelry designersA Russian Matryoshka doll necklace, accessories by “Hanna Bernhard” French jewelry designers Cute Russian Matryoshka doll necklaceMatryoshka doll necklace