Married couple with disabilities Ahmed and Fatima
Life style

Married couple with disabilities Ahmed and Fatima

Pakistani married couple with disabilities Ahmed and Fatima
Pakistani Married couple with disabilities Ahmed and Fatima

Married couple with disabilities Ahmed and Fatima
Undoubtedly, Happiness means appreciating what you have. And a married couple Ahmed and Fatima just prove this.
According to them, they tend to forget that happiness doesn’t come as a result of getting something they don’t have. “It is more important to recognize and appreciate what we do have.” 27-year-old Ahmed and 26-year-old Fatima both have disability. In particular, Ahmed has disability of both hands and Fatima has disability of both legs. But they are still happy. Meanwhile, the husband does all work about the house with his feet and his wife – with her hands. Fortunately, they love each other and they love life.

Ahmad is brushing his teeth
Brushing his teeth, Ahmed

Married couple with disabilities Ahmed and Fatima

Vacuum cleaning
Vacuum cleaning
A couple - Ahmed and Fatima having lunch
Ahmed and Fatima having lunch
Talented Ahmed and his friend practicing a piece of music
Talented Ahmed and his friend practicing a piece of music
Combing his hair with his foot
Combing his hair with his foot
Art lover Ahmed doing sketches
Art lover Ahmed doing sketches
Drinking tea
Drinking tea
Ironing clothes
Ironing clothes
Washing his feet
Washing his feet
Fatima and Ahmed on their way to music and rehabilitation nursing sector workshops
Fatima and Ahmed on their way to music and rehabilitation nursing sector workshops
Wife Fatima is helping Ahmad to tie his hair
Wife Fatima is helping Ahmed to tie his hair
Beautiful Fatima is listening to Ahmed's poem
Beautiful Fatima is listening to Ahmed’s poem
Housewife Fatima is washing dishes in the kitchen
Housewife Fatima is washing dishes in the kitchen
Spraying perfume on Ahmad's clothes before going out
Spraying perfume on Ahmad’s clothes before going out
The young and passionate Ahmed sometimes speaks with God in solitude
The young and passionate Ahmed sometimes speaks with God in solitude

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