Happy Face spider from Hawaiian islands

Happy Face spider from Hawaiian islands

Happy Face spider from Hawaiian islands
Living in the rainforests Happy Face spider from Hawaiian islands. Photographer Darlyne Murawski

Happy Face spider from Hawaiian islands

Meet the only spider in the world which guaranteed to bring a smile to your face – the Happy Face spider. The tiny creature got the nickname thanks to bizarre markings on its body which resemble a big smiley face. Found in the rainforests of Hawaiian islands, the tiny insect is just a few millimeters big. According to sources, it is harmless to humans. The photographer who was lucky to capture the unusual creature on camera – Darlyne Murawski from Massachusetts, US.

Spider with happy face
Darlyne Murawski’s photo of Spider with happy look. Found in the rainforests of Hawaiian islands

According to Darlyne Murawski, he took the picture when he was in Maui. “While I was there I wanted to take the opportunity to see if I might be able to find a Happy Face Spider. ‘We spent a while looking before we discovered one under a leaf in the rainforest”.

Happy Face spider from Hawaiian islands

Spider with happy face
Darlyne Murawski found this “happy” spider in the rainforests of Hawaiian islands
Spider with happy face
The most unusual Spider famous for its happy look. Found in the rainforests of Hawaiian islands. Photographer Darlyne Murawski


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