Harlow and Indiana best friends

Harlow and Indiana best friends

Harlow and Indiana best friends
Adorable animals. Harlow and Indiana best friends

Harlow and Indiana best friends
These two adorable dogs have become internet stars, and they deserve such fame. Just looking at them can make your day happy. The cute doggies are inseparable, and the only place you may follow the couple is Instragram, where up to this day they have about 120,000 followers, and within a short period. Before Indiana appeared Harlow’s best company had been Dachsund Sage, he died last year because of old age. Poor Harlow became lonely. His master had to bring a new friend for grieving Harlow. Now his young friend Indiana has become the best company for Harlow to play with.

Harlow and Indiana
Signs pointing – Harlow and Indiana

Harlow is an artistic and beautiful Weimaraner who enjoys to pose and goof in front of the camera. Indiana came into his life, both of them always nap and play with each other and it seems like they never want to leave one another.

Harlow and Indiana best friends

Hands up, Harlow!
Hands up, Harlow!
Harlow and Indiana best friends
Intelligent Harlow
Harlow and Indiana best friends
Two cuties, Harlow and Indiana
Harlow and Indiana best friends
Big and little, Harlow and Indiana
Harlow and Indiana best friends
Ready for fashion shot, Harlow and Indiana
Harlow and Indiana best friends
Wonderful friends Harlow and Indiana
Harlow and Indiana best friends
Sleeping together, Harlow and Indiana
Harlow and Indiana best friends
Indiana collar, creative idea from Harlow and Indiana
Harlow and Indiana best friends
Backpack. Harlow and Sage
Harlow and Indiana best friends
And here are Sage and Harlow
Harlow and Indiana best friends
Funny photo with Maryl Streep, Harlow and Sage
Harlow and Indiana best friends
Never alone, Harlow and Sage
Harlow and Indiana best friends
Family portrait, Harlow and old good friend Sage
Harlow and Sage
Happy birthday, Harlow! Old aged Dachsund Sage
Harlow and Sage
Dachsund Sage and Harlow
Incomparable Harlow
Incomparable Harlow

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