Hear speak see do no evil

Hear speak see do no evil
The “Three Monkeys” have become part of the global popular culture, identifiable and reproducible in different parts of the Earth. Traditionally, wise monkeys in Japan embody Buddhist principle of rejecting evil-doing. In particular, see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil”, you know.
Accordingly, MI-Zaru monkey, Kika-Zaru and Willow-Zaru “hiding” from evil, close the mouth, eyes and ears. Their images inspire artists and often appear in copies and parodies. Although they do have a friend, however, the fourth image appears quite rare. Noteworthy, the forgotten Shi-Zaru embodies the principle of “do no evil”. This monkey covers with arms its belly or perineum area. In fact, because the Japanese believe the number 4 is unlucky, they rarely mention the fourth monkey.

Indeed, the image of the fourth monkey is quite rare. In spite of the deep philosophical meaning, the fourth figure of monkey – almost never mentioned. Meanwhile, the forgotten monkey embodies the principle of “do not commit evil.”

source provintsial.com (removed)