Hyperrealistic silverpoint art by British artist Gordon Hanley

Hyperrealistic silverpoint art by Gordon Hanley

Hyperrealistic silverpoint art by Gordon Hanley
A portrait of a beautiful white dog. Hyperrealistic silverpoint art by Gordon Hanley, British artist

Hyperrealistic silverpoint art by Gordon Hanley
Born in 1954, Gordon Hanley is a talented British self-taught artist. At the age of 16 his family moved to Australia, where he began exhibiting his drawings and paintings. Fortunately, his first solo exhibition of 33 paintings was a great success. He managed to sell all art works for one day. Meanwhile, Gordon has become interested in silverpoint art, drawing in pure silver metal. Traditional in the Renaissance, Medieval scribes on manuscripts first used silver point art. Noteworthy, Hanley creates highly realistic images in pure silver and 24ct gold. Beautiful paintings created by the artist decorate many public, private and corporate collections throughout Australia and overseas.

silverpoint art
White roses on the black background
silverpoint art
Still life with a Venetian mask, a glass, and a black ribbon on a knitted table napkin
silverpoint art
Barn owls
Hyperrealistic silverpoint art by Gordon Hanley
A woman in a Venetian mask

Hyperrealistic silverpoint art by Gordon Hanley

silverpoint art
According to British artist Gordon Hanley, he prefers drawing in pure silver metal
silverpoint art
White parrot
silverpoint art
Old watches on a chain
silverpoint art
Still life with a perfume bottle and a white rose
silverpoint art
Still life with a glove, a rose and a handbag, silverpoint drawing
Still life with white asters and a perfume bottle
silverpoint art
Beautiful still life with white beads and watches
silverpoint art
British artist Gordon Hanley next to his drawing of a parrot
silverpoint art
Hiding behind a Venetian mask


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