Jeff Ragsdale
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Jeff one lonely guy

Jeff one lonely guy
Once isolated and alone in New York City, he wrote a simple message: ‘If anyone wants to talk about anything, call me. Jeff one lonely guy’.

If anyone wants to talk about anything-call meJeff one lonely guy
When Jeff Ragsdale went through a difficult break-up last year, he found himself isolated and alone in New York City. Desperate, he put his phone number on a flier along with a simple message: ‘If anyone wants to talk about anything, call me (347) 469-3173. Jeff, one lonely guy.’ He posted copies all across the city, and waited. Noteworthy, the response was overwhelming. In particular, he got incredible 70,000 responses coming from across the US and around the world. Jeff and two collaborators then transcribed the conversations, text messages and voice mails, publishing them in Jeff, One Lonely Guy.

'If anyone wants to talk about anything, call me (347) 469-3173. Jeff, one lonely guy.'
Jeff Ragsdale’

'If anyone wants to talk about anything, call me (347) 469-3173. Jeff, one lonely guy.'
Desperate, he put his phone number on a flier along with a simple message: ‘If anyone wants to talk about anything, call me (347) 469-3173.

Jeff one lonely guy

Looking at the poster
'If anyone wants to talk about anything, call me (347) 469-3173. Jeff, one lonely guy.'
According to Jeff Ragsdale, he went through a difficult break-up last year. As a result, he found the way out – to publish a poster
'If anyone wants to talk about anything, call me (347) 469-3173. Jeff, one lonely guy.'
Ragsdale and his message ‘If anyone wants to talk about anything, call me (347) 469-3173.
'If anyone wants to talk about anything, call me (347) 469-3173. Jeff, one lonely guy.'
Noteworthy, the response was overwhelming. In particular, he got incredible 70,000 responses coming from across the US and around the world
'If anyone wants to talk about anything, call me (347) 469-3173. Jeff, one lonely guy.'
Undoubtedly, many people needed his telephone number with a simple message: ‘If anyone wants to talk about anything, call me.

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