Princess Elizabeth, photographed at Clarence House
Life style

The Royal diamond collection is revealed

The Royal diamond collection. Princess Elizabeth, photographed at Clarence House
Beautiful Princess Elizabeth, photographed at Clarence House. The Royal diamond collection

Revealed for the first time, The Royal diamond collection includes priceless tiaras, necklaces and brooches. Meanwhile, these are the ‘other Crown Jewels’, the ones which do not reside in the Tower of London. In particular, they live at Buckingham Palace, or wherever the Queen happens to need them. However, these diamonds are not set in ceremonial regalia like orbs or scepters, restricted to royal rituals. They are ‘heirlooms of the Crown’, the Monarch’s personal jewels – handed down from Queen to Queen. And worn for everything – from a royal away-day to a family wedding or a state banquet.

The Lover’s Knot Brooch
The Lover’s Knot Brooch from the Royal diamond collection

The Royal diamond collection

The Vladimir Tiara once belonged to Russian Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna and was bought in 1921 by Queen Mary
The Vladimir Tiara, once belonged to Russian Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna, and bought in 1921 by Queen Mary
The Girls Of Great Britain and Ireland Tiara, worn by the Queen on our coins and banknotes
The Girls Of Great Britain and Ireland Tiara, worn by the Queen on our coins and banknotes
The Emperor of Austria Brooch
The Emperor of Austria Brooch
the Nizam of Hyderbad Necklace was another wedding present to the young Elizabeth
the Nizam of Hyderbad Necklace was another wedding present to the young Elizabeth
Among Princess Elizabeth’s wedding gifts was a Rose Brooch from the Nizam of Hyderbad
Among Princess Elizabeth’s wedding gifts was a Rose Brooch from the Nizam of Hyderbad
The spectacular Greville Tiara, left to the Queen’s mother by society hostess Mrs Ronnie Greville
The spectacular Greville Tiara, left to the Queen’s mother by society hostess Mrs Ronnie Greville
The Queen lent her Maple Leaf Brooch to the Canada-bound Duchess of Cambridge on her first royal tour last summer
The Queen lent her Maple Leaf Brooch to the Canada-bound Duchess of Cambridge on her first royal tour last summer
Maple Leaf Brooch
Maple Leaf Brooch
The Delhi Durbar Necklace
The Delhi Durbar Necklace
Flame Lily Brooch, a 21st birthday present from the children of Southern Rhodesia
Flame Lily Brooch, a 21st birthday present from the children of Southern Rhodesia
The Williamson Brooch showcases the finest pink diamond ever found
The Williamson Brooch showcases the finest pink diamond ever found
The Royal diamond collection
The unique diamond collection

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