Beautiful Christmas decoration – Russian New Year images from Andrew and Vicka Gabriht
Russian New Year images from Andrew and Vicka Gabriht
Could Andrew Gabriht have imagined that one day he would return to Russia from America? And for the love to Russian handicrafts? First, he and his wife moved to the U.S. in the late 1980s, where they set up a studio. Meanwhile, they brought their designs for the production to Russia. Noteworthy, the idea of combining different styles became fundamental for the artists. In particular, Andrew and Vic created art objects, filled with the Russian spirit, but containing the Western motifs. As a result, today we see a varied collection of toys, which combines folklore and religious themes of the various nations. Also, they harmoniously intertwine several types of traditional painting and folk crafts. In particular, Khokhloma, Gorodetsky painting on wood, Palekh icon painting and Fedoskino miniature painting.
However, most of the collection consists of images of Christmas: Santa Claus, snowmen and fairy tales, breathable Russian traditions.
Teapot, handpainted. Russian New Year images from Andrew and Vicka Gabriht
Russian New Year images from Andrew and Vicka Gabriht
DeBrekht Artistic Studio Russian Santas’. Painting by Andrew and Vicka GabrihtA depiction of the Nativity of Jesus. Christmas teapot by ‘DeBrekht Artistic Studio Russian Santas’Figurines, hand painted in Russian folk crafts style, depicting the Nativity of JesusFabulous Christmas decoration by Andrew and Vicka GabrihtFish, handpainted in Russian folk styleWinter holidays theme painted on figurines. artists Andrew and Vicka GabrihtPorcelain cup handpainted. Christmas themeGorgeous teapot. artists Andrew and Vicka GabrihtInspired by Russian folk crafts Christmas decorationAn owl. Christmas ballFather Frost, or Russian Santa. Christmas decorationFlying on a goose Russian SantaArtistic Studio Russian Santas’Winter joy handpainted Christmas ballSnowman. Christmas decoration by ‘DeBrekht Artistic Studio Russian Santas’Stunningly beautiful Christmas decorations Russian Santas’Unique Christmas decoration by Studio Russian SantasExquisite Christmas decoration by Studio Russian SantasTraditional Russian folk crafts in Christmas decorationCharming Christmas decoration by Andrew and Vicka GabrihtHandmade Christmas decoration by Andrew and Vicka GabrihtDecorations by ‘DeBrekht Artistic Studio Russian SantasWonderful Christmas decoration by artists Andrew and Vicka GabrihtBeautiful Christmas decoration by artists Andrew and Vicka GabrihtFabulous Christmas decoration by Studio Russian Santas