Amazing illustrations by Andrew Ferez

Amazing illustrations by Andrew Ferez
The author of these fabulous illustrations is Andrew Ferez who created them to Tatiana Korsakova’s book “Witch’s buried treasure”. The book from the series of mystical books «Signs of destiny». The talented Russian artist, Ferez created amazingly beautiful, though sometimes scary and apocalyptic, illustrations. The artist has many offers from publishers and writers to decorate book covers or pages with his fantastically detailed, inspirational illustrations.
Once, Rene Magritte speaking about his paintings said: “My paintings are not soporific dreams, but dreams of awakening.” Work of the famous Belgian surrealist artist has become a source of inspiration for Andrey Ferez. His paintings also evoke the viewer’s interest and give a glimpse into the fascinating fantasy world.
If you look closely, the urban architecture in the paintings of Andrew Ferez takes human features – through the dilapidated houses appear the images of hands and faces. Or, on the contrary, domestic things are part of the buildings, such as a giant typewriter turns into a Gothic cathedral. Of course, in reality, all this does not exist, but the sheer oxymoron combination produces our chain of thought and association.
According to the artist, his interest in painting came to him in early childhood. His parents physicists were surprised that their son did not follow in their footsteps and decided to become a “lyricist” to devote himself to painting. However, a talented guy managed to convince them that he did not intend to give up painting. Today Ferez has gained fame as an original and extraordinary master. He has mastered about 30 graphic programs and prefers Modo and Zbrash, as well as drawing in Photoshop.
Amazing illustrations by Andrew Ferez