Nikki Douthwaite’s dot portraits

Nikki Douthwaite’s dot portraits
Timperley, Cheshire based artist Nikki Douthwaite painstakingly arranges hundreds of thousands of tiny coloured dots to make up the incredible portraits. Meanwhile, she can sell them for five figure sums. In particular, Ms Douthwaite punches holes in the paper before using tweezers and glue to stick them on in a precise order. As a result, when viewed from afar, people can enjoy most famous and even faces. For example, Marilyn Monroe, Mohammed Ali, Jimi Hendrix, Cheryl Cole, John Lennon have, and more – all went through the dot treatment. According to Simon Cowell (portrait above), he had ordered a dot portrait of himself as a gift for a friend. By the way, the artist has been working with these mediums now for about three years. She is obsessed with attention to detail, and is meticulous about every dot, every piece being in the right place. In addition, she explained that she works for ten to fourteen hours at a time, through the night to optimize concentration.

Nikki Douthwaite’s dot portraits