Portraits of celebrities from used bullets

Portraits of celebrities from used bullets

John Lennon. Bullet portraits by David Palmer
John Lennon. Portraits of celebrities from used bullets made by American artist David Palmer

Portraits of celebrities from used bullets
American contemporary artist, 58-year-old California resident David Palmer began to create portraits of celebrities from unusual medium – bullet shells. Author of weapons art depicts only the famous people who died from gunshot wounds – John Lennon, Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy. After collecting enough bullet casings, the artist puts them together to create a metal canvas, and using a small hand torch darkens the ends of the bullet casings, creating incredibly detailed portraits. Using such a seemingly inappropriate art medium like bullets to depict their victims, Palmer hopes viewers will “see the miracles that can arise from choosing to create rather than destroy.”

Abraham Lincoln. Bullet portraits by David Palmer
Abraham Lincoln. Portraits of celebrities from used bullets, made by American artist David Palmer

Born in Knox Indiana, in 1953, David S. Palmer graduated from Ball State University, fine art department. His friends describe him as a real underground artist. His creations are a testimony to the fact that he is also a talented and seasoned artist that has an extremely cutting edge perspective. The pieces created in this series consist of mixed media, contemporary in appearance and is as much a sculpture as it is a painting. It is three dimensional. His present work embraces a topic that is as old as the dawning of man.

David Palmer’s statement: “Throughout history art has been used as a weapon of war, so it seemed fitting to take a weapon of war and make it art. The “Fallen Heroes” series, Abraham Lincoln, JFK, John Lennon and Gandhi all have one thing in common, in their effort to unite people, they all paid the ultimate price”.

“Around the world they are still used to either help build dreams or destroy the dreamers. My hope is that you will feel the emotion attached to the medium and then see the possibility that can arise from choosing to create rather than destroy”. David Palmer

Portraits of celebrities from used bullets

Abraham Lincoln. Bullet portraits by David Palmer
Abraham Lincoln. Portraits of celebrities from used bullets, made by American artist David Palmer
American artist David Palmer
American artist David Palmer
Bullet portraits by David Palmer
John F. Kennedy. Bullet portraits of celebrities made by American artist David Palmer
Portraits of celebrities from used bullets
John F. Kennedy. Bullet portraits of celebrities made by American artist David Palmer
Portraits of celebrities from used bullets
John Lennon. Bullet portrait made by American artist David Palmer


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