Nikola slothful Festival of land art

Nikola slothful Festival of land art

Nikola slothful Festival of land art
Nikola slothful Festival of land art. Art object of ‘Nikola slothful’ park in Kaluga region

Nikola slothful Festival of land art “Archstoyanie”
The biggest in Europe and Russia Festival of land art and architectural art takes place in the Park “Nikola slothful” (Russian – Nikola Lenivets). The festival was founded in 2006 by Nikolai Polissky, the oldest member of the festival, which is held twice a year. Nikola Lenivets village is located about 200 km from Moscow – in Kaluga region, on the banks of the river Ugra. Part of its territory belongs to the national park. It is open to creative experimentation and is constantly updated with new art objects. Specially invited architects create art objects made ​​of natural materials such as wood, snow, hay, vines, etc. Some objects are functional: rafts, swing, even the toilets. Most of the objects interact with the audience – they can go, ride, climb them.

Nikola slothful Festival
Archstoyanie – the biggest in Europe and Russia Festival of land art and architectural art in the Park ‘Nikola slothful’, Kaluga region

Various festivals and exhibitions of contemporary art in the open air are always held with great success. ArchStoyanie is some kind of a new stage of evolution of the genre. Friendly meeting of creative people – with bonfires, singing and football.

ArchStoyanie – the main festival event at Nicola sloth. In July 2013 the festival was held under the motto “Out of a forest”, the eponymous team presented performance of Poema Theatre running by Valentin Tszin. The basis of the program this year are installations and performances in the style of contemporary-art. In addition to “Archstoyanie” art-park passes several festivals in 2013 – “The Night of the new media”, “Beaubourg” and “ArhKuznitsa.”
Having bought land art park Nikola slothful, Nogotkov began to turn it into a recreational and tourism cluster.

Nikola slothful Festival of land art

Nikola slothful Festival of land art
Art object of ‘Nikola slothful’ park in Kaluga region
Nikola slothful Festival of land art
Archstoyanie – the biggest in Europe and Russia Festival of land art and architectural art in the Park ‘Nikola slothful’, Kaluga region
Nikola slothful Festival of land art
Archstoyanie – the biggest in Europe and Russia Festival of land art and architectural art in the Park ‘Nikola slothful’, Kaluga region
Nikola slothful Festival of land art
Art object of ‘Nikola slothful’ park in Kaluga region
Nikola slothful Festival of land art
Art object of ‘Nikola slothful’ park in Kaluga region
Nikola slothful Festival of land art
Art object of ‘Nikola slothful’ park in Kaluga region
Nikola slothful Festival of land art
Art object of ‘Nikola slothful’ park in Kaluga region
Nikola slothful Festival of land art
Art object of ‘Nikola slothful’ park in Kaluga region
Nikola slothful Festival of land art
Art object of ‘Nikola slothful’ park in Kaluga region
Nikola slothful Festival of land art
Art object of ‘Nikola slothful’ park in Kaluga region
Nikola slothful Festival of land art
Art object of ‘Nikola slothful’ park in Kaluga region
Nikola slothful Festival of land art
Art object of ‘Nikola slothful’ park in Kaluga region
Nikola slothful Festival of land art
Art object of ‘Nikola slothful’ park in Kaluga region
Nikola slothful Festival of land art
Art object of ‘Nikola slothful’ park in Kaluga region
Nikola slothful Festival of land art
ArchStoyanie is some kind of a new stage of evolution of the genre
Nikola slothful Festival of land art
Art object of ‘Nikola slothful’ park in Kaluga region
Nikola slothful Festival of land art
In July 2013 the festival was held under the motto ‘Out of a forest’, the eponymous team presented performance of Poema Theatre running by Valentin Tszin
Nikola slothful Festival of land art
In June 2013 Rosturizm recognized park best of five investment projects
Nikola slothful Festival of land art
Nikolai Polissky – pioneer of Nikola-Sloth
Nikola slothful Festival of land art
President of the group Svyaznoi Maxim Nogotkov


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