Noah Ark by Johan Hubers
Noah Ark by Johan Hubers
Dutch enthusiast carpenter, 60-year-old Johan Hubers built a full-scale replica of Noah’s Ark. According to the skillful craftsman, it took him three years to build the Ark. Noteworthy, he built it in accordance with the description given in the Bible. So, the Dutch Ark has length-133.5 m (300 cubits), width: 22.25 m (50 cubits), and the height is 13.35 m (30 cubits). Like Noah’s Ark, there are representatives of different animals – not real, of course, just plastic mannequins. The only discrepancy is that he built the Ark from the mythical tree gopher (perhaps Cypress or Cedar), and the modern constructed of metal fragments of shells of old barges, sheathed by top Scandinavian Pine. This object is in the Dutch town of Dordrecht, known as the ancient Capital and oldest city of Holland.
According to media sources, Johan Hubers, who built the only life sized Noah’s Ark is going to travel the world sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Noah Ark by Johan Hubers