Looking for Santa deer

Looking for Santa deer. Igor Podobaev is the author of these beautiful winter landscape photographs, taken in the village of Byzovoj (Byzovaya) of Pechora district of the Komi Republic. It is in the North of Russia. The Village of Byzovaya is located on the right bank of the Pechora River. The name origins in a nearby creek, with constantly roaring waters. The creek was known for noisy bubbling every spring (Russian “byz”), which gave the current name to Byzovaya. According to statistics, in 1905, the village had 5 yards (36 people: 20 male, 16 female). In 1920 – 13 yards (66 residents: 31 husbands, 35 wives). In 1926 – 14 yards (70 living – 31 husband, 39 wives), in 1970 – 208, in 1989 – 157, in 2000 – 150 villagers, in 2002 – 128, and in 2007 – 166 inhabitants. And in 2010 – 193 people live here.

Byzovaya – “highlight” of Pechora district. In the village you can get rafting on the river, watch celebration of national holidays, enjoy the pure nature, as the say “Pechora Alps”. Byzovaya – great ethno – cultural, tourist and sports center in the Pechora region, which will never disappoint you. Near the village is located archaeological monument of world importance – paleolithic parking of ancient humans.
Looking for Santa deer
