Patagonian Mara babies born in Amsterdam zoo
Patagonian Mara babies born in Amsterdam zoo
Born last month in the Amsterdam “Artis Royal Zoo” three adorable babies of Patagonian maras have become a sensation. The new born maras are already adapted to a full life in the wild, the same as adults. According to a medical examination, small maras – born healthy, So, they can be in the open-air cage with the rest of the group. Patagonian Mara (Latin Dolichotis patagona) – refers to the rodents, herbivorous, rabbit-like animal, also known as the Patagonian hare or Patagonian pig. Traditionally, the Patagonian maras inhabit dry, grassy areas of South America, mainly in the vast Argentine pampas. They are herbivores, adapted to the arid climate. Mara can go without water for a long time, getting it together with food.
The social organizations have a unique combination of monogamy and communal breeding. Being monogamous, pairs of maras stay together for life with replacement of partners only occurring after its death. The male has almost the sole responsibility in maintaining the pair by following the female wherever she goes. The population of Patagonian Mara is gradually reduced due to the reduction of natural habitats, hunting. The mara skins have been used for bedspreads and rug-sand increasing the number of hares, which are the major competitors in the diet.
Patagonian Mara babies born in Amsterdam zoo
The animal is also very similar to the hare, but with big black eyes, framed by thick lashes. Also, these animals have very strong and long legs, with hoof-like feet, but the ears – not as long as a rabbit’s. Body length of 69-75 cm and weight of 9 to 16 kg. The body shape and leg structure shows that the animal is fit for running and jumping, the length of which reaches 2 meters.